Flower Baselines Documentation ============================== Welcome to Flower Baselines' documentation. `Flower `_ is a friendly federated learning framework. Join the Flower Community ------------------------- The Flower Community is growing quickly - we're a friendly group of researchers, engineers, students, professionals, academics, and other enthusiasts. .. button-link:: https://flower.ai/join-slack :color: primary :shadow: Join us on Slack Flower Baselines ---------------- Flower Baselines are a collection of organised directories used to reproduce results from well-known publications or benchmarks. You can check which baselines already exist and/or contribute your own baseline. .. list-table:: :widths: 15 15 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Method - Dataset - Tags * - `dasha `_ - cifar10, mushrooms, libsvm - compression, heterogeneous setting, variance reduction, image classification * - `depthfl `_ - CIFAR-100 - image classification, system heterogeneity, cross-device, knowledge distillation * - `fedavgm `_ - CIFAR-10, Fashion-MNIST - non-iid, image classification * - `fedbn `_ - MNIST, MNIST-M, SVHN, USPS, SynthDigits - data heterogeneity, feature shift, cross-silo * - `fedmeta `_ - FEMNIST, SHAKESPEARE - meta learning, maml, meta-sgd, personalization * - `fedmlb `_ - CIFAR-100, Tiny-ImageNet - data heterogeneity, knowledge distillation, image classification * - `fednova `_ - CIFAR-10 - normalized averaging, heterogeneous optimization, image classification * - `fedpara `_ - CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, MNIST - image classification, personalization, low-rank training, tensor decomposition * - `fedper `_ - CIFAR-10, FLICKR-AES - system heterogeneity, image classification, personalization, horizontal data partition * - `fedpft `_ - CIFAR-100, Caltech101 - foundation-models, pre-trained, one-shot, one-round * - `fedprox `_ - MNIST - image classification, cross-device, stragglers * - `fedrep `_ - CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 - image classification, label heterogeneity, personalized federated learning * - `fedstar `_ - Ambient Context, Speech Commands - Audio Classification, Semi Supervised learning * - `fedvssl `_ - UCF-101, Kinectics-400 - action recognition, cross-device, ssl, video, videossl * - `fedwav2vec2 `_ - TED-LIUM 3 - speech, asr, cross-device * - `fjord `_ - "CIFAR-10" - "Federated Learning", "Heterogeneity", "Efficient DNNs", "Distributed Systems" * - `flanders `_ - MNIST, FashionMNIST - robustness, model poisoning, anomaly detection, autoregressive model, regression, classification * - `heterofl `_ - MNIST, CIFAR-10 - system heterogeneity, image classification * - `hfedxgboost `_ - a9a, cod-rna, ijcnn1, space_ga, cpusmall, YearPredictionMSD - cross-silo, tree-based, XGBoost, Classification, Regression, Tabular * - `moon `_ - CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 - data heterogeneity, image classification, cross-silo, constrastive-learning * - `niid_bench `_ - CIFAR-10, MNIST, Fashion-MNIST - data heterogeneity, image classification, benchmark * - `tamuna `_ - MNIST - local training, communication compression, partial participation, variance reduction .. BASELINES_TABLE_ENTRY Tutorials ~~~~~~~~~ A learning-oriented series of tutorials, the best place to start. .. note:: Coming soon How-to guides ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Problem-oriented how-to guides show step-by-step how to achieve a specific goal. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: How-to Guides how-to-use-baselines how-to-contribute-baselines Explanations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Understanding-oriented concept guides explain and discuss key topics and underlying ideas behind Flower and collaborative AI. .. note:: Coming soon References ~~~~~~~~~~ Information-oriented API reference and other reference material. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: References dasha depthfl fedavgm fedbn fedmeta fedmlb fednova fedpara fedper fedpft fedprox fedrep fedstar fedvssl fedwav2vec2 fjord flanders heterofl hfedxgboost moon niid_bench tamuna