--- tags: [estimator, medical] dataset: [Waltons] framework: [lifelines] --- # Federated Survival Analysis with Flower and KaplanMeierFitter [View on GitHub](https://github.com/adap/flower/blob/main/examples/federated-kaplan-meier-fitter) This is an introductory example of **federated survival analysis** using [Flower](https://flower.ai/) and [lifelines](https://lifelines.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html) library. The aim of this example is to estimate the survival function using the [Kaplan-Meier Estimate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaplan%E2%80%93Meier_estimator) implemented in lifelines library (see [KaplanMeierFitter](https://lifelines.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fitters/univariate/KaplanMeierFitter.html#lifelines.fitters.kaplan_meier_fitter.KaplanMeierFitter)). The distributed/federated aspect of this example is the data sending to the server. You can think of it as a federated analytics example. However, it's worth noting that this procedure violates privacy since the raw data is exchanged. Finally, many other estimators beyond KaplanMeierFitter can be used with the provided strategy: AalenJohansenFitter, GeneralizedGammaFitter, LogLogisticFitter, SplineFitter, and WeibullFitter. We also use the [NatualPartitioner](https://flower.ai/docs/datasets/ref-api/flwr_datasets.partitioner.NaturalIdPartitioner.html#flwr_datasets.partitioner.NaturalIdPartitioner) from [Flower Datasets](https://flower.ai/docs/datasets/) to divide the data according to the group it comes from therefore to simulate the division that might occur.

Survival Function

## Set up the project ### Clone the project Start by cloning the example project: ```shell $ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/adap/flower.git _tmp && mv _tmp/examples/federated-kaplan-meier-fitter . && rm -rf _tmp && cd federated-kaplan-meier-fitter ``` This will create a new directory called `federated-kaplan-meier-fitter` with the following structure: ```shell federated-kaplan-meier-fitter ├── examplefmk │ ├── __init__.py │ ├── client_app.py # Defines your ClientApp │ ├── server_app.py # Defines your ServerApp │ └── task.py # Defines your model, training and data loading ├── pyproject.toml # Project metadata like dependencies and configs └── README.md ``` ### Install dependencies and project Install the dependencies defined in `pyproject.toml` as well as the `examplefmk` package. ```bash pip install -e . ``` ## Run the project You can run your Flower project in both _simulation_ and _deployment_ mode without making changes to the code. If you are starting with Flower, we recommend you using the _simulation_ mode as it requires fewer components to be launched manually. By default, `flwr run` will make use of the Simulation Engine. ### Run with the Simulation Engine ```bash flwr run . ``` You can also override some of the settings for your `ClientApp` and `ServerApp` defined in `pyproject.toml`. For example: ```bash flwr run . --run-config "num-server-rounds=5 learning-rate=0.05" ``` You can also check that the results match the centralized version. ```shell $ python3 centralized.py ``` ### Run with the Deployment Engine > \[!NOTE\] > An update to this example will show how to run this Flower application with the Deployment Engine and TLS certificates, or with Docker.