:og:description: Join the Flower community! Explore tutorials and guides to contribute code, documentation, translations, and more to advance federated learning with Flower. .. meta:: :description: Join the Flower community! Explore tutorials and guides to contribute code, documentation, translations, and more to advance federated learning with Flower. Contribute ========== The Flower community welcomes contributions. The following docs are intended to help along the way. Tutorials --------- A learning-oriented series of tutorials, the best place to start. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :caption: Contributor tutorials contributor-tutorial-contribute-on-github contributor-tutorial-get-started-as-a-contributor How-to guides ------------- Problem-oriented how-to guides show step-by-step how to achieve a specific goal. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: contributor-how-to-install-development-versions contributor-how-to-set-up-a-virtual-env contributor-how-to-develop-in-vscode-dev-containers contributor-how-to-write-documentation contributor-how-to-release-flower contributor-how-to-contribute-translations contributor-how-to-build-docker-images Explanations ------------ Understanding-oriented concept guides explain and discuss key topics and underlying ideas behind Flower and collaborative AI. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :caption: Contributor explanations contributor-explanation-public-and-private-apis References ---------- Information-oriented API reference and other reference material. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :caption: Contributor references contributor-ref-good-first-contributions contributor-ref-secure-aggregation-protocols