Enable TLS connections ====================== This guide describes how to a TLS-enabled secure Flower server (``SuperLink``) can be started and how a Flower client (``SuperNode``) can establish a secure connections to it. A complete code example demonstrating a secure connection can be found `here `_. The code example comes with a ``README.md`` file which explains how to start it. Although it is already TLS-enabled, it might be less descriptive on how it does so. Stick to this guide for a deeper introduction to the topic. Certificates ------------ Using TLS-enabled connections requires certificates to be passed to the server and client. For the purpose of this guide we are going to generate self-signed certificates. As this can become quite complex we are going to ask you to run the script in ``examples/advanced-tensorflow/certificates/generate.sh`` with the following command sequence: .. code-block:: bash $ cd examples/advanced-tensorflow/certificates && \ ./generate.sh This will generate the certificates in ``examples/advanced-tensorflow/.cache/certificates``. The approach for generating TLS certificates in the context of this example can serve as an inspiration and starting point, but it should not be used as a reference for production environments. Please refer to other sources regarding the issue of correctly generating certificates for production environments. For non-critical prototyping or research projects, it might be sufficient to use the self-signed certificates generated using the scripts mentioned in this guide. Server (SuperLink) ------------------ Navigate to the ``examples/advanced-tensorflow`` folder (`here `_) and use the following terminal command to start a server (SuperLink) that uses the previously generated certificates: .. code-block:: bash $ flower-superlink \ --ssl-ca-certfile .cache/certificates/ca.crt \ --ssl-certfile .cache/certificates/server.pem \ --ssl-keyfile .cache/certificates/server.key When providing certificates, the server expects a tuple of three certificates paths: CA certificate, server certificate and server private key. Clients (SuperNode) ------------------- Use the following terminal command to start a client (SuperNode) that uses the previously generated certificates: .. code-block:: bash $ flower-supernode \ --root-certificates .cache/certificates/ca.crt \ --superlink \ --clientappio-api-address \ --node-config="partition-id=0 num-partitions=10" When setting ``root_certificates``, the client expects a file path to PEM-encoded root certificates. In another terminal, start a second SuperNode that uses the same certificates: .. code-block:: bash $ flower-supernode \ --root-certificates .cache/certificates/ca.crt \ --superlink \ --clientappio-api-address \ --node-config="partition-id=1 num-partitions=10" Note that in the second SuperNode, if you run both on the same machine, you must specify a different port for the ``ClientAppIO`` API address to avoid clashing with the first SuperNode. Executing ``flwr run`` with TLS ------------------------------- The root certificates used for executing ``flwr run`` is specified in the ``pyproject.toml`` of your app. .. code-block:: toml [tool.flwr.federations.local-deployment] address = "" root-certificates = "./.cache/certificates/ca.crt" Note that the path to the ``root-certificates`` is relative to the root of the project. Now, you can run the example by executing the following: .. code-block:: bash $ flwr run . local-deployment --stream Conclusion ---------- You should now have learned how to generate self-signed certificates using the given script, start an TLS-enabled server and have two clients establish secure connections to it. You should also have learned how to run your Flower project using ``flwr run`` with TLS enabled. .. note:: For running a Docker setup with TLS enabled, please refer to :doc:`docker/enable-tls`. Additional resources -------------------- These additional sources might be relevant if you would like to dive deeper into the topic of certificates: - `Let's Encrypt `_ - `certbot `_