Upgrade to Flower 1.0 ===================== Flower 1.0 is here. Along with new features, Flower 1.0 provides a stable foundation for future growth. Compared to Flower 0.19 (and other 0.x series releases), there are a few breaking changes that make it necessary to change the code of existing 0.x-series projects. Install update -------------- Here's how to update an existing installation to Flower 1.0 using either pip or Poetry: - pip: add ``-U`` when installing. - ``python -m pip install -U flwr`` (when using ``start_server`` and ``start_client``) - ``python -m pip install -U 'flwr[simulation]'`` (when using ``start_simulation``) - Poetry: update the ``flwr`` dependency in ``pyproject.toml`` and then reinstall (don't forget to delete ``poetry.lock`` via ``rm poetry.lock`` before running ``poetry install``). - ``flwr = "^1.0.0"`` (when using ``start_server`` and ``start_client``) - ``flwr = { version = "^1.0.0", extras = ["simulation"] }`` (when using ``start_simulation``) Required changes ---------------- The following breaking changes require manual updates. General ~~~~~~~ Pass all arguments as keyword arguments (not as positional arguments). Here's an example: - Flower 0.19 (positional arguments): ``start_client("", FlowerClient())`` - Flower 1.0 (keyword arguments): ``start_client(server_address="", client=FlowerClient())`` Client ~~~~~~ - Subclasses of ``NumPyClient``: change ``def get_parameters(self):``` to ``def get_parameters(self, config):`` - Subclasses of ``Client``: change ``def get_parameters(self):``` to ``def get_parameters(self, ins: GetParametersIns):`` Strategies / ``start_server`` / ``start_simulation`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Pass ``ServerConfig`` (instead of a dictionary) to ``start_server`` and ``start_simulation``. Here's an example: - Flower 0.19: ``start_server(..., config={"num_rounds": 3, "round_timeout": 600.0}, ...)`` - Flower 1.0: ``start_server(..., config=flwr.server.ServerConfig(num_rounds=3, round_timeout=600.0), ...)`` - Replace ``num_rounds=1`` in ``start_simulation`` with the new ``config=ServerConfig(...)`` (see previous item) - Remove ``force_final_distributed_eval`` parameter from calls to ``start_server``. Distributed evaluation on all clients can be enabled by configuring the strategy to sample all clients for evaluation after the last round of training. - Rename parameter/ndarray conversion functions: - ``parameters_to_weights`` --> ``parameters_to_ndarrays`` - ``weights_to_parameters`` --> ``ndarrays_to_parameters`` - Strategy initialization: if the strategy relies on the default values for ``fraction_fit`` and ``fraction_evaluate``, set ``fraction_fit`` and ``fraction_evaluate`` manually to ``0.1``. Projects that do not manually create a strategy (by calling ``start_server`` or ``start_simulation`` without passing a strategy instance) should now manually initialize FedAvg with ``fraction_fit`` and ``fraction_evaluate`` set to ``0.1``. - Rename built-in strategy parameters (e.g., ``FedAvg``): - ``fraction_eval`` --> ``fraction_evaluate`` - ``min_eval_clients`` --> ``min_evaluate_clients`` - ``eval_fn`` --> ``evaluate_fn`` - Rename ``rnd`` to ``server_round``. This impacts multiple methods and functions, for example, ``configure_fit``, ``aggregate_fit``, ``configure_evaluate``, ``aggregate_evaluate``, and ``evaluate_fn``. - Add ``server_round`` and ``config`` to ``evaluate_fn``: - Flower 0.19: ``def evaluate(parameters: NDArrays) -> Optional[Tuple[float, Dict[str, Scalar]]]:`` - Flower 1.0: ``def evaluate(server_round: int, parameters: NDArrays, config: Dict[str, Scalar]) -> Optional[Tuple[float, Dict[str, Scalar]]]:`` Custom strategies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The type of parameter ``failures`` has changed from ``List[BaseException]`` to ``List[Union[Tuple[ClientProxy, FitRes], BaseException]]`` (in ``aggregate_fit``) and ``List[Union[Tuple[ClientProxy, EvaluateRes], BaseException]]`` (in ``aggregate_evaluate``) - The ``Strategy`` method ``evaluate`` now receives the current round of federated learning/evaluation as the first parameter: - Flower 0.19: ``def evaluate(self, parameters: Parameters) -> Optional[Tuple[float, Dict[str, Scalar]]]:`` - Flower 1.0: ``def evaluate(self, server_round: int, parameters: Parameters) -> Optional[Tuple[float, Dict[str, Scalar]]]:`` Optional improvements --------------------- Along with the necessary changes above, there are a number of potential improvements that just became possible: - Remove "placeholder" methods from subclasses of ``Client`` or ``NumPyClient``. If you, for example, use server-side evaluation, then empty placeholder implementations of ``evaluate`` are no longer necessary. - Configure the round timeout via ``start_simulation``: ``start_simulation(..., config=flwr.server.ServerConfig(num_rounds=3, round_timeout=600.0), ...)`` Further help ------------ Most official `Flower code examples `_ are already updated to Flower 1.0, they can serve as a reference for using the Flower 1.0 API. If there are further questions, `join the Flower Slack `_ and use the channel ``#questions``.