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Every year, we bring together the Flower community for an annual event in which we hear details of how the framework has been used in research and production, exchange ideas and start to plan where we should take things moving forward. We are delighted to announce that the next edition of this event – Flower Summit 2023 – will be held on both May 30th and May 31st. Yes, that is right – we will be holding the event across two days this year; one day focused on research results and theoretical advances (Research Day), and the other focused on industrial applications and use cases (Industry Day). Last year we saw a 3-fold leap in the number of registrations, this together with a jump in the number of organizations using Flower has caused us to adopt this two-day format. The event again will be a fully hybrid event, and will support remote and in-person attendance. The physical venue will also again be the Computer Science department building of the University of Cambridge (many thanks to the department in hosting this wonderful community!) If you want to attend or participate with a talk, please read below. Looking forward to seeing the entire community once again in late May.
Flower Summit 2023 Agenda
Each day of Flower Summit 2023 will kick-off at 1.30pm GMT (5.30am PST) and run until 8pm GMT (12pm PST) to better accommodate those participants tuning in from around the world. The format of each day will be a series of talks and demonstrations of varying kinds. Examples include code tutorials, presentations of real-world and commercial use cases, demonstrations of proof-of-concepts, brand new techniques from research along with insights from deployments. We also anticipate inviting high-profile individuals from the world of federated learning – both industry and academia – to further provide a comprehensive perspective to attendees. Naturally, we will also be presenting the expected roadmap of the evolution of the Flower framework, drilling down into features and general capabilities. Critical to us in such talks will be feedback and discussions such presentations generate within the community. Events will be scheduled to align with the focus of our separate tracks each day, namely, Research Day (May 30th) and Industry Day (May 31st). For those attending physically ample time for networking and exchanging ideas will also be provided in the schedule.

How to Attend and Participate!
We want to fully engage the Flower community at Flower Summit 2023, and so we encourage everyone to consider contributing a presentation of the form that best represents their work. We are still in the early stages of federated learning, and there is so much to be learned from each other's experiences be it grounded in deployments, theory or code. To be considered for inclusion in the technical agenda, we ask community members to provide both presentation and biographical details which will help us during the selection process. Similarly, attending is simple. The event itself is free, and only requires submitting a quick form so we can hold your space if you are attending physically. We recommended registering early if you are considering participating in-person as it is difficult to estimate the growth in demand for attendance for 2023. (We will have hard limits for physical attendance due to the physical constraints of our venue.) Additional details regarding transportation to Cambridge (UK) and accommodation options are available on our Flower Summit 2023 page.
Earlier Editions of the Flower Summit
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