Source code for flwr_datasets.partitioner.shard_partitioner

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"""Shard partitioner class."""

# pylint: disable=R0912, R0914
import math
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

import datasets
from flwr_datasets.partitioner.partitioner import Partitioner

[docs] class ShardPartitioner(Partitioner): # pylint: disable=R0902 """Partitioner based on shard of (typically) unique classes. The algorithm works as follows: the dataset is sorted by label e.g. [samples with label 1, samples with labels 2 ...], then the shards are created, with each shard of size = `shard_size` if provided or automatically calculated: shards_size = len(dataset) / `num_partitions` * `num_shards_per_partition`. A shard is just a block (chunk) of a `dataset` that contains `shard_size` consecutive samples. There might be shards that contain samples associated with more than a single unique label. The first case is (remember the preprocessing step sorts the dataset by label) when a shard is constructed from samples at the boundaries of the sorted dataset and therefore belonging to different classes e.g. the "leftover" of samples of class 1 and the majority of class 2. The another scenario when a shard has samples with more than one unique label is when the shard size is bigger than the number of samples of a certain class. Each partition is created from `num_shards_per_partition` that are chosen randomly. There are a few ways of partitioning data that result in certain properties (depending on the parameters specification): 1) same number of shards per partitions + the same shard size (specify: a) `num_shards_per_partitions`, `shard_size`; or b) `num_shards_per_partition`) In case of b the `shard_size` is calculated as floor(len(dataset) / (`num_shards_per_partitions` * `num_partitions`)) 2) possibly different number of shards per partition (use nearly all data) + the same shard size (specify: `shard_size` + `keep_incomplete_shard=False`) 3) possibly different number of shards per partition (use all data) + possibly different shard size (specify: `shard_size` + `keep_incomplete_shard=True`) Algorithm based on the description in Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data This implementation expands on the initial idea by enabling more hyperparameters specification therefore providing more control on how partitions are created. It enables the division obtained in original paper. Parameters ---------- num_partitions : int The total number of partitions that the data will be divided into. partition_by : str Column name of the labels (targets) based on which Dirichlet sampling works. num_shards_per_partition : Optional[int] Number of shards to assign to a single partitioner. It's an alternative to `num_partitions`. shard_size : Optional[int] Size of a single shards (a partition has one or more shards). If the size is not given it will be automatically computed. keep_incomplete_shard : bool Whether to drop the last shard which might be incomplete (smaller than the others). If it is dropped each shard is equal size. (It does not mean that each client gets equal number of shards, which only happens if `num_partitions` % `num_shards` = 0). This parameter has no effect if `num_shards_per_partitions` and `shard_size` are specified. shuffle: bool Whether to randomize the order of samples. Shuffling applied after the samples assignment to partitions. seed: int Seed used for dataset shuffling. It has no effect if `shuffle` is False. Examples -------- 1) If you need same number of shards per partitions + the same shard size (and you know both of these values) >>> from flwr_datasets import FederatedDataset >>> from flwr_datasets.partitioner import ShardPartitioner >>> >>> partitioner = ShardPartitioner(num_partitions=10, partition_by="label", >>> num_shards_per_partition=2, shard_size=1_000) >>> fds = FederatedDataset(dataset="mnist", partitioners={"train": partitioner}) >>> partition = fds.load_partition(0) >>> print(partition[0]) # Print the first example {'image': <PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile image mode=L size=28x28 at 0x15F616C50>, 'label': 3} >>> partition_sizes = [ >>> len(fds.load_partition(partition_id)) for partition_id in range(10) >>> ] >>> print(partition_sizes) [2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000] 2) If you want to use nearly all the data and do not need to have the number of shard per each partition to be the same >>> from flwr_datasets import FederatedDataset >>> from flwr_datasets.partitioner import ShardPartitioner >>> >>> partitioner = ShardPartitioner(num_partitions=9, partition_by="label", >>> shard_size=1_000) >>> fds = FederatedDataset(dataset="mnist", partitioners={"train": partitioner}) >>> partition_sizes = [ >>> len(fds.load_partition(partition_id)) for partition_id in range(9) >>> ] >>> print(partition_sizes) [7000, 7000, 7000, 7000, 7000, 7000, 6000, 6000, 6000] 3) If you want to use all the data >>> from flwr_datasets import FederatedDataset >>> from flwr_datasets.partitioner import ShardPartitioner >>> >>> partitioner = ShardPartitioner(num_partitions=10, partition_by="label", >>> shard_size=990, keep_incomplete_shard=True) >>> fds = FederatedDataset(dataset="mnist", partitioners={"train": partitioner}) >>> partition_sizes = [ >>> len(fds.load_partition(partition_id)) for partition_id in range(10) >>> ] >>> print(sorted(partition_sizes)) [5550, 5940, 5940, 5940, 5940, 5940, 5940, 5940, 5940, 6930] """ def __init__( # pylint: disable=R0913 self, num_partitions: int, partition_by: str, num_shards_per_partition: Optional[int] = None, shard_size: Optional[int] = None, keep_incomplete_shard: bool = False, shuffle: bool = True, seed: Optional[int] = 42, ) -> None: super().__init__() # Attributes based on the constructor _check_if_natural_number(num_partitions, "num_partitions") self._num_partitions = num_partitions self._partition_by = partition_by _check_if_natural_number( num_shards_per_partition, "num_shards_per_partition", True ) self._num_shards_per_partition = num_shards_per_partition self._num_shards_used: Optional[int] = None _check_if_natural_number(shard_size, "shard_size", True) self._shard_size = shard_size self._keep_incomplete_shard = keep_incomplete_shard self._shuffle = shuffle self._seed = seed # Utility attributes self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=self._seed) # NumPy random generator self._partition_id_to_indices: dict[int, list[int]] = {} self._partition_id_to_indices_determined = False
[docs] def load_partition(self, partition_id: int) -> datasets.Dataset: """Load a partition based on the partition index. Parameters ---------- partition_id : int the index that corresponds to the requested partition Returns ------- dataset_partition : Dataset single partition of a dataset """ # The partitioning is done lazily - only when the first partition is # requested. Only the first call creates the indices assignments for all the # partition indices. self._check_num_partitions_correctness_if_needed() self._check_possibility_of_partitions_creation() self._sort_dataset_if_needed() self._determine_partition_id_to_indices_if_needed() return[partition_id])
@property def num_partitions(self) -> int: """Total number of partitions.""" self._check_num_partitions_correctness_if_needed() self._check_possibility_of_partitions_creation() self._sort_dataset_if_needed() self._determine_partition_id_to_indices_if_needed() return self._num_partitions def _determine_partition_id_to_indices_if_needed( self, ) -> None: """Assign sample indices to each partition id. This method works on sorted datasets. A "shard" is a part of the dataset of consecutive samples (if self._keep_incomplete_shard is False, each shard is same size). """ # No need to do anything if that partition_id_to_indices are already determined if self._partition_id_to_indices_determined: return # One of the specification allows to skip the `num_shards_per_partition` param if self._num_shards_per_partition is not None: self._num_shards_used = int( self._num_partitions * self._num_shards_per_partition ) num_shards_per_partition_array = ( np.ones(self._num_partitions) * self._num_shards_per_partition ) if self._shard_size is None: self._compute_shard_size_if_missing() assert self._shard_size is not None if self._keep_incomplete_shard: num_usable_shards_in_dataset = int( math.ceil(len(self.dataset) / self._shard_size) ) else: num_usable_shards_in_dataset = int( math.floor(len(self.dataset) / self._shard_size) ) else: num_usable_shards_in_dataset = int( math.floor(len(self.dataset) / self._shard_size) ) elif self._num_shards_per_partition is None: if self._shard_size is None: raise ValueError( "The shard_size needs to be specified if the " "num_shards_per_partition is None" ) if self._keep_incomplete_shard is False: self._num_shards_used = int( math.floor(len(self.dataset) / self._shard_size) ) num_usable_shards_in_dataset = self._num_shards_used elif self._keep_incomplete_shard is True: self._num_shards_used = int( math.ceil(len(self.dataset) / self._shard_size) ) num_usable_shards_in_dataset = self._num_shards_used if num_usable_shards_in_dataset < self._num_partitions: raise ValueError( "Based on the given arguments the creation of the partitions " "is impossible. The implied number of partitions that can be " "used is lower than the number of requested partitions " "resulting in empty partitions. Please decrease the size of " "shards: `shard_size`." ) else: raise ValueError( "The keep_incomplete_shards need to be specified " "when _num_shards_per_partition is None." ) num_shards_per_partition = int(self._num_shards_used / self._num_partitions) # Assign the shards per partitions (so far, the same as in ideal case) num_shards_per_partition_array = ( np.ones(self._num_partitions) * num_shards_per_partition ) num_shards_assigned = self._num_partitions * num_shards_per_partition num_shards_to_assign = self._num_shards_used - num_shards_assigned # Assign the "missing" shards for i in range(num_shards_to_assign): num_shards_per_partition_array[i] += 1 else: raise ValueError( "The specification of nm_shards_per_partition and " "keep_incomplete_shards is not correct." ) if num_usable_shards_in_dataset < self._num_partitions: raise ValueError( "The specified configuration results in empty partitions because the " "number of usable shards is smaller that the number partitions. " "Try decreasing the shard size or the number of partitions. " ) indices_on_which_to_split_shards = np.cumsum( num_shards_per_partition_array, dtype=int ) shard_indices_array = self._rng.permutation(num_usable_shards_in_dataset)[ : self._num_shards_used ] # Randomly assign shards to partition_id nid_to_shard_indices = np.split( shard_indices_array, indices_on_which_to_split_shards )[:-1] partition_id_to_indices: dict[int, list[int]] = { cid: [] for cid in range(self._num_partitions) } # Compute partition_id to sample indices based on the shard indices for partition_id in range(self._num_partitions): for shard_idx in nid_to_shard_indices[partition_id]: start_id = int(shard_idx * self._shard_size) end_id = min(int((shard_idx + 1) * self._shard_size), len(self.dataset)) partition_id_to_indices[partition_id].extend( list(range(start_id, end_id)) ) if self._shuffle: for indices in partition_id_to_indices.values(): # In place shuffling self._rng.shuffle(indices) self._partition_id_to_indices = partition_id_to_indices self._partition_id_to_indices_determined = True def _check_num_partitions_correctness_if_needed(self) -> None: """Test num_partitions when the dataset is given (in load_partition).""" if not self._partition_id_to_indices_determined: if self._num_partitions > self.dataset.num_rows: raise ValueError( "The number of partitions needs to be smaller than the number of " "samples in the dataset." ) def _sort_dataset_if_needed(self) -> None: """Sort dataset prior to determining the partitions. Operation only needed to be performed one time. It's required for the creation of shards with the same labels. """ if self._partition_id_to_indices_determined: return self._dataset = self.dataset.sort(self._partition_by) def _compute_shard_size_if_missing(self) -> None: """Compute the parameters needed to perform sharding. This method should be called after the dataset is assigned. """ if self._shard_size is None: # If shard size is not specified it needs to be computed num_rows = self.dataset.num_rows self._shard_size = int(num_rows / self._num_shards_used) def _check_possibility_of_partitions_creation(self) -> None: if self._shard_size is not None and self._num_shards_per_partition is not None: implied_min_dataset_size = ( self._shard_size * self._num_shards_per_partition * self._num_partitions ) if implied_min_dataset_size > len(self.dataset): raise ValueError( f"Based on the given arguments the creation of the " "partitions is impossible. The implied minimum dataset" f"size is {implied_min_dataset_size} but the dataset" f"size is {len(self.dataset)}" )
def _check_if_natural_number( number: Optional[int], parameter_name: str, none_acceptable: bool = False ) -> None: if none_acceptable and number is None: return if not isinstance(number, int): raise TypeError( f"The expected type of {parameter_name} is int but given: {number} of type " f"{type(number)}. Please specify the correct type." ) if not number >= 1: raise ValueError( f"The expected value of {parameter_name} is >= 1 (greater or equal to 1) " f"but given: {number} which does not meet this condition. Please " f"provide a correct number." )