Flower Network Communication¶

This reference complements the Flower Architecture explanation by detailing the network connections used in a deployed Flower federated AI system.


Optionally, a third connection to a third-party service can be established to provide user-level authentication via OIDC. This means that only users authenticated via flwr login are able to interface with the SuperLink.

Flower Network Diagram (subprocess)


Click the buttons above to toggle between the network diagrams for isolation modes subprocess and process.

Mandatory Network Connections¶

Deployed Flower systems have at least two types of network connections:

  • CLI to SuperLink (Exec API): The flwr CLI command, typically run on the users workstation, is used to interface with a deployed Flower federation consisting of SuperLink and SuperNodes. From a networking perspective, the flwr CLI acts as a gRPC client and the SuperLink acts as a gRPC server. The flwr CLI is the only way for a user (AI researchers, data scientist) to inferface with a deployed Flower federation. They cannot, for example, interface directly with SuperNodes connected to the SuperLink. The flwr CLI to SuperLink connection should always use TLS, but insecure mode is supported for local testing.

  • SuperNode to SuperLink (Fleet API): In Flower terminology, a Flower federation is a set of SuperNodes connected to the same SuperLink. From a networking perspective, each SuperNode acts as a gRPC client and the SuperLink acts as a gRPC server. This means that, when deploying a SuperNode, only outgoing connections are necessary to connect to the SuperLink. Only the SuperNodes can initiate such requests and they do not respond to incoming requests. The SuperNode to SuperLink connection should always use TLS (see Enable TLS connections to learn more), but insecure mode is supported for local testing.

Optional Network Connections¶

Depending on the SuperLink and SuperNode configuration, Flower systems can have/use a number of additional network connections.

Isolation mode¶

Both Flower SuperLink and Flower SuperNode can use different isolation modes. Isolation mode subprocess configures the SuperLink/SuperNode to run ServerApp/ClientApp in a sub-process. Isolation mode process expects ServerApp or ClientApp to run in separate externally-managed processes. This allows, for example, to run SuperNode and ClientApp in separate Docker containers with different sets of dependencies installed. Check the Run Flower using Docker guide to gain a better understanding on how to use both modes.

In isolation mode process, additional network connections are necessary to allow the external process running ServerApp or ClientApp to communicate with the long-running SuperLink or SuperNode:

  • flwr-serverapp to SuperLink (ServerAppIO API): The process running the ServerApp, flwr-serveapp, acts as a gRPC client and connects to the SuperLink’s ServerAppIO API. This connection enables the flwr-serverapp process to pull the necessary inputs to execute the ServerApp. It also allows the ServerApp, once running, to do typical things like sending/receiving messages to/from available SuperNodes (via the SuperLink).

  • flwr-clientapp to SuperNode (ClientAppIO API): The process running the ClientApp, flwr-clientapp, acts as a gRPC client and connects to the SuperNode’s ClientAppIO API. This connection enables the flwr-clientapp process to pull the necessary details (e.g., FAB file) to execute the ClientApp, execute the ClientApp (e.g., local model training) and return the execution results (e.g., locally update model parameters) to the SuperNode.


In the current version of Flower, both of these connections are insecure because Flower expects SuperLink/SuperNode and flwr-serverapp / flwr-clientapp to be run in the same network. flwr-serverapp / flwr-clientapp and SuperLink/SuperNode should never communicate over untrusted networks (e.g., public internet).

User authentication¶

When user authentication is enabled, Flower uses an OIDC-compatible server to authenticate requests:

  • SuperLink to OIDC server: A SuperLink can optionally be configured to only allow authenticated users to interact with it. In this setting, the Flower SuperLink acts as a REST client to the OIDC-compatible server.

Application-specific connections¶

Users who write Flower Apps (ServerApp and ClientApp) can also make additional network requests. This is, strictly speaking, not part of Flower as a Federated AI Platform. It is a decision of (a) the user about what kinds of third-party systems their Flower App should connect to and (b) the system administrator about what kinds of connections they want to allow.

Typical examples include:

  • ClientApp to Database: ClientApp instances typically need to be able to access the data to perform the action they have been designed for (e.g. train locally a model, run a DB query). How this connection is established depends on what storage technology is used at the client side. Note that in the diagram above, we show two representative connections to DBs in Client-A and Client-B. Your DB connection(s) may likely be different to the illustration above.

  • ServerApp to Database: ServerApp instances might want to access the data to perform the action they have been designed for (e.g. evaluate a model on some data after aggregation). How this connection is established depends on what storage technology used at the client side. Note that in the diagram above we have omitted showing a DB connected to the ServerApp components.

  • ServerApp to metric logging service: Metric logging services like TensorBoard, MLFlow and Weights & Biases are often used to track the progress of training runs. In this setting, the ServerApp typically acts as a client to the metric logging service.