Common components shared between server and client.
Create Array from NumPy ndarray. |
Deserialize NumPy ndarray from bytes. |
Configure logging to file and/or remote log server. |
Submit create_event to ThreadPoolExecutor to avoid blocking. |
Log 'msg % args' with the integer severity 'level'. |
Serialize NumPy ndarray to bytes. |
Convert NumPy ndarrays to parameters object. |
Construct a datetime from time.time() with time zone set to UTC. |
Convert parameters object to NumPy ndarrays. |
Array type. |
ClientMessage is a container used to hold one result message. |
Client status codes. |
alias of |
Configs record. |
Context of your run. |
DisconnectRes message from client to server. |
A dataclass that stores information about an error that occurred. |
Evaluate instructions for a client. |
Evaluate response from a client. |
Types of telemetry events. |
Fit instructions for a client. |
Fit response from a client. |
Parameters request for a client. |
Response when asked to return parameters. |
Properties request for a client. |
Properties response from a client. |
State of your application from the viewpoint of the entity using it. |
Message type. |
Legacy message type. |
A dataclass holding metadata associated with the current message. |
alias of |
Metrics recod. |
alias of |
alias of |
Model parameters. |
Parameters record. |
alias of |
ReconnectIns message from server to client. |
RecordSet stores groups of parameters, metrics and configs. |
ServerMessage is a container used to hold one instruction message. |
Client status. |