Contains the strategy abstraction and different implementations.
Bulyan strategy. |
Wrapper for configuring a Strategy for DP with Adaptive Clipping. |
Wrapper for configuring a Strategy for DP with Fixed Clipping. |
Strategy wrapper for central DP with client-side adaptive clipping. |
Strategy wrapper for central DP with client-side fixed clipping. |
Strategy wrapper for central DP with server-side adaptive clipping. |
Strategy wrapper for central DP with server-side fixed clipping. |
Configurable fault-tolerant FedAvg strategy implementation. |
FedAdagrad strategy - Adaptive Federated Optimization using Adagrad. |
FedAdam - Adaptive Federated Optimization using Adam. |
Federated Averaging strategy. |
Federated Averaging strategy. |
Federated Averaging with Momentum strategy. |
Configurable FedMedian strategy implementation. |
Federated Optim strategy. |
Federated Optimization strategy. |
Federated Averaging with Trimmed Mean [Dong Yin, et al., 2021]. |
Configurable FedXgbBagging strategy implementation. |
Configurable FedXgbCyclic strategy implementation. |
Configurable FedXgbNnAvg strategy implementation. |
FedYogi [Reddi et al., 2020] strategy. |
Krum [Blanchard et al., 2017] strategy. |
Configurable QFedAvg strategy implementation. |
Abstract base class for server strategy implementations. |