Flower 설치¶
Python 버전¶
Flower는 `Python 3.9 <https://docs.python.org/3.9/>`_이상이 필요하지만, `Python 3.10 <https://docs.python.org/3.10/>`_이상을 권장합니다.
안정적인 릴리즈 설치¶
pip 사용¶
Stable releases are available on PyPI:
python -m pip install flwr
For simulations that use the Virtual Client Engine, flwr
should be installed with
the simulation
python -m pip install "flwr[simulation]"
conda(또는 mamba) 사용¶
Flower은 ‘conda-forge’ 채널에서도 설치할 수 있습니다.
If you have not added conda-forge
to your channels, you will first need to run the
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
Once the conda-forge
channel has been enabled, flwr
can be installed with
conda install flwr
or with mamba
mamba install flwr
설치 확인¶
The following command can be used to verify if Flower was successfully installed. If everything worked, it should print the version of Flower to the command line:
python -c "import flwr;print(flwr.__version__)"
고급 설치 옵션¶
Docker를 통해 설치¶
사전 릴리즈 설치¶
New (possibly unstable) versions of Flower are sometimes available as pre-release versions (alpha, beta, release candidate) before the stable release happens:
python -m pip install -U --pre flwr
For simulations that use the Virtual Client Engine, flwr
pre-releases should be
installed with the simulation
python -m pip install -U --pre 'flwr[simulation]'
야간 릴리즈 설치¶
The latest (potentially unstable) changes in Flower are available as nightly releases:
python -m pip install -U flwr-nightly
For simulations that use the Virtual Client Engine, flwr-nightly
should be installed
with the simulation
python -m pip install -U flwr-nightly[simulation]