# Copyright 2025 Flower Labs GmbH. All Rights Reserved.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License.# =============================================================================="""Grid (abstract base class)."""fromabcimportABC,abstractmethodfromcollections.abcimportIterablefromtypingimportOptionalfromflwr.commonimportMessage,RecordDictfromflwr.common.typingimportRun
[๋ฌธ์]classGrid(ABC):"""Abstract base class Grid to send/receive messages."""
[๋ฌธ์]@abstractmethoddefset_run(self,run_id:int)->None:"""Request a run to the SuperLink with a given `run_id`. If a ``Run`` with the specified ``run_id`` exists, a local ``Run`` object will be created. It enables further functionality in the grid, such as sending ``Message``s. Parameters ---------- run_id : int The ``run_id`` of the ``Run`` this ``Grid`` object operates in. """
[๋ฌธ์]@abstractmethoddefcreate_message(# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,R0917self,content:RecordDict,message_type:str,dst_node_id:int,group_id:str,ttl:Optional[float]=None,)->Message:"""Create a new message with specified parameters. This method constructs a new ``Message`` with given content and metadata. The ``run_id`` and ``src_node_id`` will be set automatically. Parameters ---------- content : RecordDict The content for the new message. This holds records that are to be sent to the destination node. message_type : str The type of the message, defining the action to be executed on the receiving end. dst_node_id : int The ID of the destination node to which the message is being sent. group_id : str The ID of the group to which this message is associated. In some settings, this is used as the federated learning round. ttl : Optional[float] (default: None) Time-to-live for the round trip of this message, i.e., the time from sending this message to receiving a reply. It specifies in seconds the duration for which the message and its potential reply are considered valid. If unset, the default TTL (i.e., ``common.DEFAULT_TTL``) will be used. Returns ------- message : Message A new `Message` instance with the specified content and metadata. """
[๋ฌธ์]@abstractmethoddefpush_messages(self,messages:Iterable[Message])->Iterable[str]:"""Push messages to specified node IDs. This method takes an iterable of messages and sends each message to the node specified in ``dst_node_id``. Parameters ---------- messages : Iterable[Message] An iterable of messages to be sent. Returns ------- message_ids : Iterable[str] An iterable of IDs for the messages that were sent, which can be used to pull replies. """
[๋ฌธ์]@abstractmethoddefpull_messages(self,message_ids:Iterable[str])->Iterable[Message]:"""Pull messages based on message IDs. This method is used to collect messages from the SuperLink that correspond to a set of given message IDs. Parameters ---------- message_ids : Iterable[str] An iterable of message IDs for which reply messages are to be retrieved. Returns ------- messages : Iterable[Message] An iterable of messages received. """
[๋ฌธ์]@abstractmethoddefsend_and_receive(self,messages:Iterable[Message],*,timeout:Optional[float]=None,)->Iterable[Message]:"""Push messages to specified node IDs and pull the reply messages. This method sends a list of messages to their destination node IDs and then waits for the replies. It continues to pull replies until either all replies are received or the specified timeout duration is exceeded. Parameters ---------- messages : Iterable[Message] An iterable of messages to be sent. timeout : Optional[float] (default: None) The timeout duration in seconds. If specified, the method will wait for replies for this duration. If `None`, there is no time limit and the method will wait until replies for all messages are received. Returns ------- replies : Iterable[Message] An iterable of reply messages received from the SuperLink. Notes ----- This method uses ``push_messages`` to send the messages and ``pull_messages`` to collect the replies. If ``timeout`` is set, the method may not return replies for all sent messages. A message remains valid until its TTL, which is not affected by ``timeout``. """
[๋ฌธ์]classDriver(Grid):"""Deprecated abstract base class ``Driver``, use ``Grid`` instead. This class is provided solely for backward compatibility with legacy code that previously relied on the ``Driver`` class. It has been deprecated in favor of the updated abstract base class ``Grid``, which now encompasses all communication-related functionality and improvements between the ServerApp and the SuperLink. .. warning:: ``Driver`` is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use `Grid` in the signature of your ServerApp. Examples -------- Legacy (deprecated) usage:: @app.main() def main(driver: Driver, context: Context) -> None: ... Updated usage:: @app.main() def main(grid: Grid, context: Context) -> None: ... """