flwr.server.strategy.strategy의 소스 코드

# Copyright 2020 Flower Labs GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ==============================================================================
"""Flower server strategy."""

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Optional, Union

from flwr.common import EvaluateIns, EvaluateRes, FitIns, FitRes, Parameters, Scalar
from flwr.server.client_manager import ClientManager
from flwr.server.client_proxy import ClientProxy

[문서]class Strategy(ABC): """Abstract base class for server strategy implementations."""
[문서] @abstractmethod def initialize_parameters( self, client_manager: ClientManager ) -> Optional[Parameters]: """Initialize the (global) model parameters. Parameters ---------- client_manager : ClientManager The client manager which holds all currently connected clients. Returns ------- parameters : Optional[Parameters] If parameters are returned, then the server will treat these as the initial global model parameters. """
[문서] @abstractmethod def configure_fit( self, server_round: int, parameters: Parameters, client_manager: ClientManager ) -> list[tuple[ClientProxy, FitIns]]: """Configure the next round of training. Parameters ---------- server_round : int The current round of federated learning. parameters : Parameters The current (global) model parameters. client_manager : ClientManager The client manager which holds all currently connected clients. Returns ------- fit_configuration : List[Tuple[ClientProxy, FitIns]] A list of tuples. Each tuple in the list identifies a `ClientProxy` and the `FitIns` for this particular `ClientProxy`. If a particular `ClientProxy` is not included in this list, it means that this `ClientProxy` will not participate in the next round of federated learning. """
[문서] @abstractmethod def aggregate_fit( self, server_round: int, results: list[tuple[ClientProxy, FitRes]], failures: list[Union[tuple[ClientProxy, FitRes], BaseException]], ) -> tuple[Optional[Parameters], dict[str, Scalar]]: """Aggregate training results. Parameters ---------- server_round : int The current round of federated learning. results : List[Tuple[ClientProxy, FitRes]] Successful updates from the previously selected and configured clients. Each pair of `(ClientProxy, FitRes)` constitutes a successful update from one of the previously selected clients. Not that not all previously selected clients are necessarily included in this list: a client might drop out and not submit a result. For each client that did not submit an update, there should be an `Exception` in `failures`. failures : List[Union[Tuple[ClientProxy, FitRes], BaseException]] Exceptions that occurred while the server was waiting for client updates. Returns ------- parameters : Tuple[Optional[Parameters], Dict[str, Scalar]] If parameters are returned, then the server will treat these as the new global model parameters (i.e., it will replace the previous parameters with the ones returned from this method). If `None` is returned (e.g., because there were only failures and no viable results) then the server will no update the previous model parameters, the updates received in this round are discarded, and the global model parameters remain the same. """
[문서] @abstractmethod def configure_evaluate( self, server_round: int, parameters: Parameters, client_manager: ClientManager ) -> list[tuple[ClientProxy, EvaluateIns]]: """Configure the next round of evaluation. Parameters ---------- server_round : int The current round of federated learning. parameters : Parameters The current (global) model parameters. client_manager : ClientManager The client manager which holds all currently connected clients. Returns ------- evaluate_configuration : List[Tuple[ClientProxy, EvaluateIns]] A list of tuples. Each tuple in the list identifies a `ClientProxy` and the `EvaluateIns` for this particular `ClientProxy`. If a particular `ClientProxy` is not included in this list, it means that this `ClientProxy` will not participate in the next round of federated evaluation. """
[문서] @abstractmethod def aggregate_evaluate( self, server_round: int, results: list[tuple[ClientProxy, EvaluateRes]], failures: list[Union[tuple[ClientProxy, EvaluateRes], BaseException]], ) -> tuple[Optional[float], dict[str, Scalar]]: """Aggregate evaluation results. Parameters ---------- server_round : int The current round of federated learning. results : List[Tuple[ClientProxy, FitRes]] Successful updates from the previously selected and configured clients. Each pair of `(ClientProxy, FitRes` constitutes a successful update from one of the previously selected clients. Not that not all previously selected clients are necessarily included in this list: a client might drop out and not submit a result. For each client that did not submit an update, there should be an `Exception` in `failures`. failures : List[Union[Tuple[ClientProxy, EvaluateRes], BaseException]] Exceptions that occurred while the server was waiting for client updates. Returns ------- aggregation_result : Tuple[Optional[float], Dict[str, Scalar]] The aggregated evaluation result. Aggregation typically uses some variant of a weighted average. """
[문서] @abstractmethod def evaluate( self, server_round: int, parameters: Parameters ) -> Optional[tuple[float, dict[str, Scalar]]]: """Evaluate the current model parameters. This function can be used to perform centralized (i.e., server-side) evaluation of model parameters. Parameters ---------- server_round : int The current round of federated learning. parameters: Parameters The current (global) model parameters. Returns ------- evaluation_result : Optional[Tuple[float, Dict[str, Scalar]]] The evaluation result, usually a Tuple containing loss and a dictionary containing task-specific metrics (e.g., accuracy). """