Install Flower

Python version

Flower requires at least Python 3.9, but Python 3.10 or above is recommended.

Installe la version stable

Using pip

Stable releases are available on PyPI:

python -m pip install flwr

For simulations that use the Virtual Client Engine, flwr should be installed with the simulation extra:

python -m pip install "flwr[simulation]"

Using conda (or mamba)

Flower can also be installed from the conda-forge channel.

If you have not added conda-forge to your channels, you will first need to run the following:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict

Once the conda-forge channel has been enabled, flwr can be installed with conda:

conda install flwr

or with mamba:

mamba install flwr

Vérifie l’installation

The following command can be used to verify if Flower was successfully installed. If everything worked, it should print the version of Flower to the command line:

python -c "import flwr;print(flwr.__version__)"

Options d’installation avancées

Install via Docker

Run Flower using Docker

Installer la version pre-release

New (possibly unstable) versions of Flower are sometimes available as pre-release versions (alpha, beta, release candidate) before the stable release happens:

python -m pip install -U --pre flwr

For simulations that use the Virtual Client Engine, flwr pre-releases should be installed with the simulation extra:

python -m pip install -U --pre 'flwr[simulation]'

Installer la version nightly

The latest (potentially unstable) changes in Flower are available as nightly releases:

python -m pip install -U flwr-nightly

For simulations that use the Virtual Client Engine, flwr-nightly should be installed with the simulation extra:

python -m pip install -U flwr-nightly[simulation]