Flower Logistic Regression Example using scikit-learn#

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This example of Flower uses scikit-learn’s LogisticRegression model to train a federated learning system. It will help you understand how to adapt Flower for use with scikit-learn. Running this example in itself is quite easy. This example uses Flower Datasets to download, partition and preprocess the MNIST dataset.

Project Setup#

Start by cloning the example project. We prepared a single-line command that you can copy into your shell which will checkout the example for you:

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/adap/flower.git && mv flower/examples/sklearn-logreg-mnist . && rm -rf flower && cd sklearn-logreg-mnist

This will create a new directory called sklearn-logreg-mnist containing the following files:

-- pyproject.toml
-- requirements.txt
-- client.py
-- server.py
-- utils.py
-- README.md

Installing Dependencies#

Project dependencies (such as scikit-learn and flwr) are defined in pyproject.toml and requirements.txt. We recommend Poetry to install those dependencies and manage your virtual environment (Poetry installation) or pip, but feel free to use a different way of installing dependencies and managing virtual environments if you have other preferences.


poetry install
poetry shell

Poetry will install all your dependencies in a newly created virtual environment. To verify that everything works correctly you can run the following command:

poetry run python3 -c "import flwr"

If you don’t see any errors you’re good to go!


Write the command below in your terminal to install the dependencies according to the configuration file requirements.txt.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run Federated Learning with scikit-learn and Flower#

Afterwards you are ready to start the Flower server as well as the clients. You can simply start the server in a terminal as follows:

poetry run python3 server.py

Now you are ready to start the Flower clients which will participate in the learning. To do so simply open two or more terminals and run the following command in each:

Start client 1 in the first terminal:

python3 client.py --partition-id 0 # or any integer in {0-9}

Start client 2 in the second terminal:

python3 client.py --partition-id 1 # or any integer in {0-9}

Alternatively, you can run all of it in one shell as follows:

bash run.sh

You will see that Flower is starting a federated training.