在 GitHub 上投稿#

本指南适用于想参与 Flower,但不习惯为 GitHub 项目贡献的人。

If you're familiar with how contributing on GitHub works, you can directly checkout our getting started guide for contributors.


  1. 创建 GitHub 账户并设置 Git

    Git is a distributed version control tool. This allows for an entire codebase's history to be stored and every developer's machine. It is a software that will need to be installed on your local machine, you can follow this guide to set it up.

    GitHub 本身是一个用于版本控制和协作的代码托管平台。它允许每个人在任何地方对远程仓库进行协作和工作。

    如果还没有,您需要在 GitHub 上创建一个账户。

    通用的 Git 和 GitHub 工作流程背后的理念可以归结为:从 GitHub 上的远程仓库下载代码,在本地进行修改并使用 Git 进行跟踪,然后将新的历史记录上传回 GitHub。

  2. 叉花仓库

    A fork is a personal copy of a GitHub repository. To create one for Flower, you must navigate to https://github.com/adap/flower (while connected to your GitHub account) and click the Fork button situated on the top right of the page.


    您可以更改名称,但没有必要,因为这个版本的 Flower 将是您自己的,并位于您自己的账户中(即,在您自己的版本库列表中)。创建完成后,您会在左上角看到自己的 Flower 版本。

  3. 克隆你的分叉仓库

    下一步是在你的机器上下载分叉版本库,以便对其进行修改。在分叉版本库页面上,首先点击右侧的 "代码 "按钮,这样就能复制版本库的 HTTPS 链接。


    一旦复制了 (<URL>),你就可以在你的机器上打开一个终端,导航到你想下载软件源的地方,然后键入:

    $ git clone <URL>

    This will create a flower/ (or the name of your fork if you renamed it) folder in the current working directory.

  4. 添加原产地


    $ cd flower

    在这里,我们需要为我们的版本库添加一个 origin。origin 是远程 fork 仓库的 <URL/>。要获得它,我们可以像前面提到的那样,访问 GitHub 账户上的分叉仓库并复制链接。


    一旦复制了 <URL> ,我们就可以在终端中键入以下命令:

    $ git remote add origin <URL>
  5. 增加上游

    Now we will add an upstream address to our repository. Still in the same directory, we must run the following command:

    $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/adap/flower.git



    上游是父版本库(这里是 Flower)的 GitHub 远程地址,即我们最终要贡献的版本库,因此需要最新的历史记录。origin 只是我们创建的分叉仓库的 GitHub 远程地址,即我们自己账户中的副本(分叉)。

    为了确保本地版本的分叉程序与 Flower 代码库的最新更改保持一致,我们可以执行以下命令:

    $ git pull upstream main


This can be achieved by following this getting started guide for contributors (note that you won't need to clone the repository). Once you are able to write code and test it, you can finally start making changes!



$ git pull origin main


$ git pull upstream main
  1. 创建一个新分支



    $ git switch -c <branch_name>
  2. 进行修改


  3. 测试并格式化您的代码

    不要忘记测试和格式化您的代码!否则您的代码将无法并入 Flower 代码库。这样做是为了使代码库保持一致并易于理解。


    $ ./dev/format.sh # to format your code
    $ ./dev/test.sh # to test that your code can be accepted
    $ ./baselines/dev/format.sh # same as above but for code added to baselines
    $ ./baselines/dev/test.sh # same as above but for code added to baselines
  4. 舞台变化

    在创建更新历史记录的提交之前,必须向 Git 说明需要考虑哪些文件。


    $ git add <path_of_file_to_stage_for_commit>

    要查看与上一版本(上次提交)相比哪些文件已被修改,以及哪些文件处于提交阶段,可以使用 git status 命令。

  5. 提交更改

    使用 git add 添加完所有要提交的文件后,就可以使用此命令创建提交了:

    $ git commit -m "<commit_message>"

    <commit_message> 用于向他人解释提交的作用。它应该以命令式风格书写,并且简明扼要。例如 git commit -m "Add images to README"

  6. 将更改推送到分叉

    一旦提交了修改,我们就有效地更新了本地历史记录,但除非我们将修改推送到原点的远程地址,否则 GitHub 无法得知:

    $ git push -u origin <branch_name>

    完成此操作后,您将在 GitHub 上看到您的分叉仓库已根据您所做的更改进行了更新。

创建和合并拉取请求 (PR)#

  1. 创建 PR

    推送更改后,在仓库的 GitHub 网页上应该会看到以下信息:


    Otherwise you can always find this option in the Branches page.

    Once you click the Compare & pull request button, you should see something similar to this:




    在这个例子中,你可以看到请求将我分叉的版本库中的分支 doc-fixes 合并到 Flower 版本库中的分支 main

    中间的输入框供您描述 PR 的作用,并将其与现有问题联系起来。我们在此放置了注释(一旦 PR 打开,注释将不会显示),以指导您完成整个过程。

    It is important to follow the instructions described in comments. For instance, in order to not break how our changelog system works, you should read the information above the Changelog entry section carefully. You can also checkout some examples and details in the Changelog entry appendix.

    在底部,您可以找到打开 PR 的按钮。这将通知审核人员新的 PR 已经打开,他们应该查看该 PR 以进行合并或要求修改。

    如果您的 PR 尚未准备好接受审核,而且您不想通知任何人,您可以选择创建一个草案拉取请求:

  2. 作出新的改变

    一旦 PR 被打开(无论是否作为草案),你仍然可以像以前一样,通过修改与 PR 关联的分支来推送新的提交。

  3. 审查 PR

    一旦 PR 被打开或 PR 草案被标记为就绪,就会自动要求代码所有者进行审核:


    然后,代码所有者会查看代码、提出问题、要求修改或验证 PR。



    要解决这些问题,只需将必要的更改推送到与 PR 关联的分支即可:





  4. 一旦 PR 被合并

    如果所有自动测试都已通过,且审核员不再需要修改,他们就可以批准 PR 并将其合并。


    合并后,您可以在 GitHub 上删除该分支(会出现一个删除按钮),也可以在本地删除该分支:

    $ git switch main
    $ git branch -D <branch_name>


    $ git pull upstream main # to update the local repository
    $ git push origin main # to push the changes to the remote repository



For our documentation, we've started to use the Diàtaxis framework.

Our "How to" guides should have titles that continue the sentence "How to …", for example, "How to upgrade to Flower 1.0".


This issue is about changing the title of a doc from present continuous to present simple.

Let's take the example of "Saving Progress" which we changed to "Save Progress". Does this pass our check?

Before: "How to saving progress" ❌

After: "How to save progress" ✅


This is a tiny change, but it'll allow us to test your end-to-end setup. After cloning and setting up the Flower repo, here's what you should do:

  • Find the source file in doc/source

  • Make the change in the .rst file (beware, the dashes under the title should be the same length as the title itself)

  • Build the docs and check the result



Here's how to change the file name:

  • Change the file name to save-progress.rst

  • Add a redirect rule to doc/source/conf.py

This will cause a redirect from saving-progress.html to save-progress.html, old links will continue to work.


For the lateral navigation bar to work properly, it is very important to update the index.rst file as well. This is where we define the whole arborescence of the navbar.

  • Find and modify the file name in index.rst

开放式 PR#

  • Commit the changes (commit messages are always imperative: "Do something", in this case "Change …")

  • 将更改推送到分叉

  • 打开 PR(如上图所示)

  • 等待审批!

  • 祝贺你 🥳 您现在正式成为 "Flower "贡献者!


一个精心撰写的公关标题能帮助团队成员迅速了解所提修改的目的和范围。以下指南可帮助您撰写一个好的 GitHub PR 标题:

1. Be Clear and Concise: Provide a clear summary of the changes in a concise manner. 1. Use Actionable Verbs: Start with verbs like "Add," "Update," or "Fix" to indicate the purpose. 1. Include Relevant Information: Mention the affected feature or module for context. 1. Keep it Short: Avoid lengthy titles for easy readability. 1. Use Proper Capitalization and Punctuation: Follow grammar rules for clarity.


  • 执行算法

  • 数据库

  • 在代码库中添加 my_new_file.py

  • 改进模块中的代码

  • 更改 SomeModule

这里有几个正面的例子,提供了有用的信息,但没有重复他们是如何做的,因为在 PR 的 "已更改文件 "部分已经可以看到:

  • 更新文件横幅,提及 2023 年 Flower 峰会

  • 移除不必要的 XGBoost 依赖性

  • 删除 FedAvg 子类化策略中的多余属性

  • Add CI job to deploy the staging system when the main branch changes

  • 添加新的惊人库,用于改进模拟引擎


一旦您完成了第一份 PR,并希望做出更多贡献,请务必查看以下内容:


Changelog entry#

When opening a new PR, inside its description, there should be a Changelog entry header.

Above this header you should see the following comment that explains how to write your changelog entry:

Inside the following 'Changelog entry' section, you should put the description of your changes that will be added to the changelog alongside your PR title.

If the section is completely empty (without any token) or non-existent, the changelog will just contain the title of the PR for the changelog entry, without any description.

If the section contains some text other than tokens, it will use it to add a description to the change.

If the section contains one of the following tokens it will ignore any other text and put the PR under the corresponding section of the changelog:

<general> is for classifying a PR as a general improvement.

<skip> is to not add the PR to the changelog

<baselines> is to add a general baselines change to the PR

<examples> is to add a general examples change to the PR

<sdk> is to add a general sdk change to the PR

<simulations> is to add a general simulations change to the PR

Note that only one token should be used.

Its content must have a specific format. We will break down what each possibility does:

  • If the ### Changelog entry section contains nothing or doesn't exist, the following text will be added to the changelog:

    - **PR TITLE** ([#PR_NUMBER](https://github.com/adap/flower/pull/PR_NUMBER))
  • If the ### Changelog entry section contains a description (and no token), the following text will be added to the changelog:

    - **PR TITLE** ([#PR_NUMBER](https://github.com/adap/flower/pull/PR_NUMBER))
  • If the ### Changelog entry section contains <skip>, nothing will change in the changelog.

  • If the ### Changelog entry section contains <general>, the following text will be added to the changelog:

    - **General improvements** ([#PR_NUMBER](https://github.com/adap/flower/pull/PR_NUMBER))
  • If the ### Changelog entry section contains <baselines>, the following text will be added to the changelog:

    - **General updates to Flower Baselines** ([#PR_NUMBER](https://github.com/adap/flower/pull/PR_NUMBER))
  • If the ### Changelog entry section contains <examples>, the following text will be added to the changelog:

    - **General updates to Flower Examples** ([#PR_NUMBER](https://github.com/adap/flower/pull/PR_NUMBER))
  • If the ### Changelog entry section contains <sdk>, the following text will be added to the changelog:

    - **General updates to Flower SDKs** ([#PR_NUMBER](https://github.com/adap/flower/pull/PR_NUMBER))
  • If the ### Changelog entry section contains <simulations>, the following text will be added to the changelog:

    - **General updates to Flower Simulations** ([#PR_NUMBER](https://github.com/adap/flower/pull/PR_NUMBER))

Note that only one token must be provided, otherwise, only the first action (in the order listed above), will be performed.