Run with Root User Privileges

Flower Docker images, by default, run with a non-root user (username/groupname: app, UID/GID: 49999). Using root user is not recommended unless it is necessary for specific tasks during the build process.

Always make sure to run the container as a non-root user in production to maintain security best practices.

Run a Container with Root User Privileges

Run the Docker image with the -u flag and specify root as the username:

$ docker run --rm -u root flwr/superlink:1.17.0 <additional-args>

This command will run the Docker container with root user privileges.

Run the Build Process with Root User Privileges

If you want to switch to the root user during the build process of the Docker image to install missing system dependencies, you can use the USER root directive within your Dockerfile.

SuperNode Dockerfile
FROM flwr/supernode:1.17.0

# Switch to root user
USER root

# Install missing dependencies (requires root access)
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y <required-package-name>

# Switch back to non-root user app
USER app

# Continue with your Docker image build process
# ...