
Since Flower 1.5 we have introduced translations to our doc pages, but, as you might have noticed, the translations are often imperfect. If you speak languages other than English, you might be able to help us in our effort to make Federated Learning accessible to as many people as possible by contributing to those translations! This might also be a great opportunity for those wanting to become open source contributors with little prerequisites.

我们的翻译项目已在 "Weblate <https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/flower-docs/framework/>`_"上公开,大部分工作都将在这里进行。


您需要做的第一件事就是在本`网页<https://hosted.weblate.org/accounts/register/>`_上创建一个免费的Weblate帐户。有关个人资料设置的更多信息,请参阅`这里 <https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/user/profile.html>`_。

登录到Weblate后,您可以导航到 "Flower Framework "项目<https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/flower-docs/framework/>`_。在这里,您可以看到网站上现有的各种语言。



最简单的方法是点击右上角("翻译状态 "部分)的 "翻译 "按钮。这将自动带您进入未翻译字符串的翻译界面。



You input your translation in the text box at the top and then, once you are happy with it, you either press Save and continue (to save the translation and go to the next untranslated string), Save and stay (to save the translation and stay on the same page), Suggest (to add your translation to suggestions for other users to view), or Skip (to go to the next untranslated string without saving anything).

为了帮助翻译,您可以在底部看到 "邻近字符串"、"评论"(来自其他贡献者)、"自动建议"(来自机器翻译引擎)、"其他语言 "中的翻译以及该字符串的 "历史翻译"。

在右侧的 "字符串信息 "部分,您还可以单击 "源字符串位置 "下的链接,以查看包含字符串的 doc 文件的源文件。

有关使用 Weblate 进行翻译的更多信息,您可以查看本 "深入指南 <https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/user/translating.html>`_"。


如果您想添加新语言,请先联系我们,可以在 Slack 上联系,也可以在我们的 GitHub repo 上提交问题。