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在本教程中,你将了解什么是联邦学习,用 Flower 搭建第一个系统,并逐步对其进行扩展。如果你能完成本教程的所有部分,你就能构建高级的联邦学习系统,从而接近该领域当前的技术水平。

🧑‍🏫 This tutorial starts from zero and expects no familiarity with federated learning. Only a basic understanding of data science and Python programming is assumed.

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Classical Machine Learning

Before we begin discussing federated learning, let us quickly recap how most machine learning works today.





In practice, the training data we work with doesn’t originate on the machine we train the model on.

This data gets created "somewhere else". For instance, the data can originate on a smartphone by the user interacting with an app, a car collecting sensor data, a laptop receiving input via the keyboard, or a smart speaker listening to someone trying to sing a song.


值得一提的是,这个 "其他地方 "通常不只是一个地方,而是很多地方。它可能是多个运行同一应用程序的设备。但也可能是多个组织,都在为同一任务生成数据。


So to use machine learning, or any kind of data analysis, the approach that has been used in the past was to collect all this data on a central server. This server can be located somewhere in a data center, or somewhere in the cloud.





This classical machine learning approach we’ve just seen can be used in some cases. Great examples include categorizing holiday photos, or analyzing web traffic. Cases, where all the data is naturally available on a centralized server.




There are many reasons why the classical centralized machine learning approach does not work for a large number of highly important real-world use cases. Those reasons include:

  • Regulations: GDPR (Europe), CCPA (California), PIPEDA (Canada), LGPD (Brazil), PDPL (Argentina), KVKK (Turkey), POPI (South Africa), FSS (Russia), CDPR (China), PDPB (India), PIPA (Korea), APPI (Japan), PDP (Indonesia), PDPA (Singapore), APP (Australia), and other regulations protect sensitive data from being moved. In fact, those regulations sometimes even prevent single organizations from combining their own users' data for machine learning training because those users live in different parts of the world, and their data is governed by different data protection regulations.

  • 用户偏好: 除了法规之外,在一些使用案例中,用户只是希望数据永远不会离开他们的设备。如果你在手机的数字键盘上输入密码和信用卡信息,你不会希望这些密码最终出现在开发该键盘的公司的服务器上吧?事实上,这种用例正是联邦学习发明的初衷。

  • 数据量: 有些传感器(如摄像头)产生的数据量很大,收集所有数据既不可行,也不经济(例如,由于带宽或通信效率的原因)。试想一下全国铁路服务,全国有数百个火车站。如果每个火车站都安装了许多安全摄像头,那么它们所产生的大量原始设备数据就需要功能强大且极其昂贵的基础设施来处理和存储。而大部分数据甚至都是无用的。


  • Sensitive healthcare records from multiple hospitals to train cancer detection models.

  • Financial information from different organizations to detect financial fraud.

  • Location data from your electric car to make better range prediction.

  • End-to-end encrypted messages to train better auto-complete models.

`Brave <>`__浏览器或 `Signal <>`__信息管理器这样的隐私增强系统的流行表明,用户关心隐私。事实上,他们会选择隐私性更好的产品。但是,我们能做些什么来将机器学习和数据科学应用到这些情况中,以利用隐私数据呢?毕竟,这些领域都将从人工智能的最新进展中受益匪浅。

Federated Learning

Federated Learning simply reverses this approach. It enables machine learning on distributed data by moving the training to the data, instead of moving the data to the training. Here’s a one-liner explanation:

  • Centralized machine learning: move the data to the computation

  • Federated (machine) Learning: move the computation to the data

By doing so, Federated Learning enables us to use machine learning (and other data science approaches) in areas where it wasn’t possible before. We can now train excellent medical AI models by enabling different hospitals to work together. We can solve financial fraud by training AI models on the data of different financial institutions. We can build novel privacy-enhancing applications (such as secure messaging) that have better built-in AI than their non-privacy-enhancing alternatives. And those are just a few of the examples that come to mind. As we deploy Federated Learning, we discover more and more areas that can suddenly be reinvented because they now have access to vast amounts of previously inaccessible data.

So how does Federated Learning work, exactly? Let’s start with an intuitive explanation.


步骤 0:初始化全局模型



第 1 步:将模型发送到多个连接的组织/设备(客户节点)

Next, we send the parameters of the global model to the connected client nodes (think: edge devices like smartphones or servers belonging to organizations). This is to ensure that each participating node starts its local training using the same model parameters. We often use only a few of the connected nodes instead of all nodes. The reason for this is that selecting more and more client nodes has diminishing returns.


步骤 2:在本地对每个机构/设备(客户端节点)的数据进行模型训练



步骤 3:将模型参数更新返回服务器



步骤 4:将模型更新聚合到新的全局模型中

服务器从选定的客户端节点接收模型更新。如果服务器选择了 100 个客户端节点,那么它现在就拥有 100 个略有不同的原始全局模型版本,每个版本都是根据一个客户端的本地数据训练出来的。难道我们不希望有一个包含所有 100 个客户节点数据的模型吗?

In order to get one single model, we have to combine all the model updates we received from the client nodes. This process is called aggregation, and there are many different ways to do it. The most basic way is called Federated Averaging (McMahan et al., 2016), often abbreviated as FedAvg. FedAvg takes the 100 model updates and, as the name suggests, averages them. To be more precise, it takes the weighted average of the model updates, weighted by the number of examples each client used for training. The weighting is important to make sure that each data example has the same "influence" on the resulting global model. If one client has 10 examples, and another client has 100 examples, then - without weighting - each of the 10 examples would influence the global model ten times as much as each of the 100 examples.


步骤 5:重复步骤 1 至 4,直至模型收敛

步骤 1 至 4 就是我们所说的单轮联邦学习。全局模型参数被发送到参与的客户端节点(第 1 步),客户端节点对其本地数据进行训练(第 2 步),然后将更新后的模型发送到服务器(第 3 步),服务器汇总模型更新,得到新版本的全局模型(第 4 步)。

在一轮迭代中,每个参与迭代的客户节点只训练一小段时间。这意味着,在聚合步骤(步骤 4)之后,我们的模型已经在所有参与的客户节点的所有数据上训练过了,但只训练了一小会儿。然后,我们必须一次又一次地重复这一训练过程,最终得到一个经过全面训练的模型,该模型在所有客户节点的数据中都表现良好。


恭喜您,现在您已经了解了联邦学习的基础知识。当然,要讨论的内容还有很多,但这只是联邦学习的一个缩影。在本教程的后半部分,我们将进行更详细的介绍。有趣的问题包括 我们如何选择最好的客户端节点参与下一轮学习?聚合模型更新的最佳方法是什么?如何处理失败的客户端节点(落伍者)?


就像我们可以在不同客户节点的分散数据上训练一个模型一样,我们也可以在这些数据上对模型进行评估,以获得有价值的指标。这就是所谓的联邦评估,有时简称为 FE。事实上,联邦评估是大多数联邦学习系统不可或缺的一部分。

Federated Analytics



差分隐私(DP)经常在联邦学习中被提及。这是一种在分析和共享统计数据时使用的隐私保护方法,可确保单个参与者的隐私。DP 通过在模型更新中添加统计噪声来实现这一目的,确保任何个体参与者的信息都无法被区分或重新识别。这种技术可被视为一种优化,提供了一种可量化的隐私保护措施。


联邦学习、联邦评估和联邦分析需要基础框架来来回移动机器学习模型,在本地数据上对其进行训练和评估,然后汇总更新的模型。Flower 提供的基础架构正是以简单、可扩展和安全的方式实现这些目标的。简而言之,Flower 为联邦学习、分析和评估提供了一种统一的方法。它允许用户联邦化任何工作负载、任何 ML 框架和任何编程语言。

Flower联邦学习服务器和客户端节点(汽车、滑板车、个人电脑、roomba 和电话)

Final Remarks


在本教程的下一部分,我们将用 Flower 建立第一个联邦学习系统。


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如果您需要帮助,我们有专门的 #questions 频道,但我们也很乐意在 #introductions 中了解您是谁!

Flower 联邦学习教程 - 第 1 部分 展示了如何使用 PyTorch 和 Flower 构建一个简单的联邦学习系统。

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