Code source de

# Copyright 2020 Flower Labs GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Flower client app."""

import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
from dataclasses import dataclass
from logging import ERROR, INFO, WARN
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union, cast

import grpc
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from grpc import RpcError

from flwr.cli.config_utils import get_fab_metadata
from flwr.cli.install import install_from_fab
from flwr.client.client import Client
from flwr.client.client_app import ClientApp, LoadClientAppError
from flwr.client.typing import ClientFnExt
from flwr.common import GRPC_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH, Context, EventType, Message, event
from flwr.common.address import parse_address
from flwr.common.constant import (
from flwr.common.logger import log, warn_deprecated_feature
from flwr.common.message import Error
from flwr.common.retry_invoker import RetryInvoker, RetryState, exponential
from flwr.common.typing import Fab, Run, UserConfig
from flwr.proto.clientappio_pb2_grpc import add_ClientAppIoServicer_to_server
from flwr.server.superlink.fleet.grpc_bidi.grpc_server import generic_create_grpc_server
from flwr.server.superlink.state.utils import generate_rand_int_from_bytes

from .clientapp.clientappio_servicer import ClientAppInputs, ClientAppIoServicer
from .grpc_adapter_client.connection import grpc_adapter
from .grpc_client.connection import grpc_connection
from .grpc_rere_client.connection import grpc_request_response
from .message_handler.message_handler import handle_control_message
from .node_state import NodeState
from .numpy_client import NumPyClient


def _check_actionable_client(
    client: Optional[Client], client_fn: Optional[ClientFnExt]
) -> None:
    if client_fn is None and client is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Both `client_fn` and `client` are `None`, but one is required"

    if client_fn is not None and client is not None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Both `client_fn` and `client` are provided, but only one is allowed"

# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def start_client( *, server_address: str, client_fn: Optional[ClientFnExt] = None, client: Optional[Client] = None, grpc_max_message_length: int = GRPC_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH, root_certificates: Optional[Union[bytes, str]] = None, insecure: Optional[bool] = None, transport: Optional[str] = None, authentication_keys: Optional[ tuple[ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey] ] = None, max_retries: Optional[int] = None, max_wait_time: Optional[float] = None, ) -> None: """Start a Flower client node which connects to a Flower server. Parameters ---------- server_address : str The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the server. If the Flower server runs on the same machine on port 8080, then `server_address` would be `"[::]:8080"`. client_fn : Optional[ClientFnExt] A callable that instantiates a Client. (default: None) client : Optional[flwr.client.Client] An implementation of the abstract base class `flwr.client.Client` (default: None) grpc_max_message_length : int (default: 536_870_912, this equals 512MB) The maximum length of gRPC messages that can be exchanged with the Flower server. The default should be sufficient for most models. Users who train very large models might need to increase this value. Note that the Flower server needs to be started with the same value (see `flwr.server.start_server`), otherwise it will not know about the increased limit and block larger messages. root_certificates : Optional[Union[bytes, str]] (default: None) The PEM-encoded root certificates as a byte string or a path string. If provided, a secure connection using the certificates will be established to an SSL-enabled Flower server. insecure : bool (default: True) Starts an insecure gRPC connection when True. Enables HTTPS connection when False, using system certificates if `root_certificates` is None. transport : Optional[str] (default: None) Configure the transport layer. Allowed values: - 'grpc-bidi': gRPC, bidirectional streaming - 'grpc-rere': gRPC, request-response (experimental) - 'rest': HTTP (experimental) authentication_keys : Optional[Tuple[PrivateKey, PublicKey]] (default: None) Tuple containing the elliptic curve private key and public key for authentication from the cryptography library. Source: Used to establish an authenticated connection with the server. max_retries: Optional[int] (default: None) The maximum number of times the client will try to connect to the server before giving up in case of a connection error. If set to None, there is no limit to the number of tries. max_wait_time: Optional[float] (default: None) The maximum duration before the client stops trying to connect to the server in case of connection error. If set to None, there is no limit to the total time. Examples -------- Starting a gRPC client with an insecure server connection: >>> start_client( >>> server_address=localhost:8080, >>> client_fn=client_fn, >>> ) Starting an SSL-enabled gRPC client using system certificates: >>> def client_fn(context: Context): >>> return FlowerClient().to_client() >>> >>> start_client( >>> server_address=localhost:8080, >>> client_fn=client_fn, >>> insecure=False, >>> ) Starting an SSL-enabled gRPC client using provided certificates: >>> from pathlib import Path >>> >>> start_client( >>> server_address=localhost:8080, >>> client_fn=client_fn, >>> root_certificates=Path("/crts/root.pem").read_bytes(), >>> ) """ event(EventType.START_CLIENT_ENTER) start_client_internal( server_address=server_address, node_config={}, load_client_app_fn=None, client_fn=client_fn, client=client, grpc_max_message_length=grpc_max_message_length, root_certificates=root_certificates, insecure=insecure, transport=transport, authentication_keys=authentication_keys, max_retries=max_retries, max_wait_time=max_wait_time, ) event(EventType.START_CLIENT_LEAVE)
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-statements def start_client_internal( *, server_address: str, node_config: UserConfig, load_client_app_fn: Optional[Callable[[str, str, str], ClientApp]] = None, client_fn: Optional[ClientFnExt] = None, client: Optional[Client] = None, grpc_max_message_length: int = GRPC_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH, root_certificates: Optional[Union[bytes, str]] = None, insecure: Optional[bool] = None, transport: Optional[str] = None, authentication_keys: Optional[ tuple[ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey] ] = None, max_retries: Optional[int] = None, max_wait_time: Optional[float] = None, flwr_path: Optional[Path] = None, isolation: Optional[str] = None, supernode_address: Optional[str] = CLIENTAPPIO_API_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, ) -> None: """Start a Flower client node which connects to a Flower server. Parameters ---------- server_address : str The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the server. If the Flower server runs on the same machine on port 8080, then `server_address` would be `"[::]:8080"`. node_config: UserConfig The configuration of the node. load_client_app_fn : Optional[Callable[[], ClientApp]] (default: None) A function that can be used to load a `ClientApp` instance. client_fn : Optional[ClientFnExt] A callable that instantiates a Client. (default: None) client : Optional[flwr.client.Client] An implementation of the abstract base class `flwr.client.Client` (default: None) grpc_max_message_length : int (default: 536_870_912, this equals 512MB) The maximum length of gRPC messages that can be exchanged with the Flower server. The default should be sufficient for most models. Users who train very large models might need to increase this value. Note that the Flower server needs to be started with the same value (see `flwr.server.start_server`), otherwise it will not know about the increased limit and block larger messages. root_certificates : Optional[Union[bytes, str]] (default: None) The PEM-encoded root certificates as a byte string or a path string. If provided, a secure connection using the certificates will be established to an SSL-enabled Flower server. insecure : Optional[bool] (default: None) Starts an insecure gRPC connection when True. Enables HTTPS connection when False, using system certificates if `root_certificates` is None. transport : Optional[str] (default: None) Configure the transport layer. Allowed values: - 'grpc-bidi': gRPC, bidirectional streaming - 'grpc-rere': gRPC, request-response (experimental) - 'rest': HTTP (experimental) authentication_keys : Optional[Tuple[PrivateKey, PublicKey]] (default: None) Tuple containing the elliptic curve private key and public key for authentication from the cryptography library. Source: Used to establish an authenticated connection with the server. max_retries: Optional[int] (default: None) The maximum number of times the client will try to connect to the server before giving up in case of a connection error. If set to None, there is no limit to the number of tries. max_wait_time: Optional[float] (default: None) The maximum duration before the client stops trying to connect to the server in case of connection error. If set to None, there is no limit to the total time. flwr_path: Optional[Path] (default: None) The fully resolved path containing installed Flower Apps. isolation : Optional[str] (default: None) Isolation mode for `ClientApp`. Possible values are `subprocess` and `process`. Defaults to `None`, which runs the `ClientApp` in the same process as the SuperNode. If `subprocess`, the `ClientApp` runs in a subprocess started by the SueprNode and communicates using gRPC at the address `supernode_address`. If `process`, the `ClientApp` runs in a separate isolated process and communicates using gRPC at the address `supernode_address`. supernode_address : Optional[str] (default: `CLIENTAPPIO_API_DEFAULT_ADDRESS`) The SuperNode gRPC server address. """ if insecure is None: insecure = root_certificates is None if load_client_app_fn is None: _check_actionable_client(client, client_fn) if client_fn is None: # Wrap `Client` instance in `client_fn` def single_client_factory( context: Context, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> Client: if client is None: # Added this to keep mypy happy raise ValueError( "Both `client_fn` and `client` are `None`, but one is required" ) return client # Always return the same instance client_fn = single_client_factory def _load_client_app(_1: str, _2: str, _3: str) -> ClientApp: return ClientApp(client_fn=client_fn) load_client_app_fn = _load_client_app if isolation: if supernode_address is None: raise ValueError( f"`supernode_address` required when `isolation` is " f"{ISOLATION_MODE_SUBPROCESS} or {ISOLATION_MODE_PROCESS}", ) _clientappio_grpc_server, clientappio_servicer = run_clientappio_api_grpc( address=supernode_address ) supernode_address = cast(str, supernode_address) # At this point, only `load_client_app_fn` should be used # Both `client` and `client_fn` must not be used directly # Initialize connection context manager connection, address, connection_error_type = _init_connection( transport, server_address ) app_state_tracker = _AppStateTracker() def _on_sucess(retry_state: RetryState) -> None: app_state_tracker.is_connected = True if retry_state.tries > 1: log( INFO, "Connection successful after %.2f seconds and %s tries.", retry_state.elapsed_time, retry_state.tries, ) def _on_backoff(retry_state: RetryState) -> None: app_state_tracker.is_connected = False if retry_state.tries == 1: log(WARN, "Connection attempt failed, retrying...") else: log( WARN, "Connection attempt failed, retrying in %.2f seconds", retry_state.actual_wait, ) retry_invoker = RetryInvoker( wait_gen_factory=exponential, recoverable_exceptions=connection_error_type, max_tries=max_retries + 1 if max_retries is not None else None, max_time=max_wait_time, on_giveup=lambda retry_state: ( log( WARN, "Giving up reconnection after %.2f seconds and %s tries.", retry_state.elapsed_time, retry_state.tries, ) if retry_state.tries > 1 else None ), on_success=_on_sucess, on_backoff=_on_backoff, ) # NodeState gets initialized when the first connection is established node_state: Optional[NodeState] = None runs: dict[int, Run] = {} while not app_state_tracker.interrupt: sleep_duration: int = 0 with connection( address, insecure, retry_invoker, grpc_max_message_length, root_certificates, authentication_keys, ) as conn: receive, send, create_node, delete_node, get_run, get_fab = conn # Register node when connecting the first time if node_state is None: if create_node is None: if transport not in ["grpc-bidi", None]: raise NotImplementedError( "All transports except `grpc-bidi` require " "an implementation for `create_node()`.'" ) # gRPC-bidi doesn't have the concept of node_id, # so we set it to -1 node_state = NodeState( node_id=-1, node_config={}, ) else: # Call create_node fn to register node node_id: Optional[int] = ( # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none create_node() ) # pylint: disable=not-callable if node_id is None: raise ValueError("Node registration failed") node_state = NodeState( node_id=node_id, node_config=node_config, ) app_state_tracker.register_signal_handler() # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks while not app_state_tracker.interrupt: try: # Receive message = receive() if message is None: time.sleep(3) # Wait for 3s before asking again continue log(INFO, "") if len(message.metadata.group_id) > 0: log( INFO, "[RUN %s, ROUND %s]", message.metadata.run_id, message.metadata.group_id, ) log( INFO, "Received: %s message %s", message.metadata.message_type, message.metadata.message_id, ) # Handle control message out_message, sleep_duration = handle_control_message(message) if out_message: send(out_message) break # Get run info run_id = message.metadata.run_id if run_id not in runs: if get_run is not None: runs[run_id] = get_run(run_id) # If get_run is None, i.e., in grpc-bidi mode else: runs[run_id] = Run(run_id, "", "", "", {}) run: Run = runs[run_id] if get_fab is not None and run.fab_hash: fab = get_fab(run.fab_hash) if not isolation: # If `ClientApp` runs in the same process, install the FAB install_from_fab(fab.content, flwr_path, True) fab_id, fab_version = get_fab_metadata(fab.content) else: fab = None fab_id, fab_version = run.fab_id, run.fab_version run.fab_id, run.fab_version = fab_id, fab_version # Register context for this run node_state.register_context( run_id=run_id, run=run, flwr_path=flwr_path, fab=fab, ) # Retrieve context for this run context = node_state.retrieve_context(run_id=run_id) # Create an error reply message that will never be used to prevent # the used-before-assignment linting error reply_message = message.create_error_reply( error=Error(code=ErrorCode.UNKNOWN, reason="Unknown") ) # Handle app loading and task message try: if isolation: # Two isolation modes: # 1. `subprocess`: SuperNode is starting the ClientApp # process as a subprocess. # 2. `process`: ClientApp process gets started separately # (via `flwr-clientapp`), for example, in a separate # Docker container. # Generate SuperNode token token: int = generate_rand_int_from_bytes(RUN_ID_NUM_BYTES) # Mode 1: SuperNode starts ClientApp as subprocess start_subprocess = isolation == ISOLATION_MODE_SUBPROCESS # Share Message and Context with servicer clientappio_servicer.set_inputs( clientapp_input=ClientAppInputs( message=message, context=context, run=run, fab=fab, token=token, ), token_returned=start_subprocess, ) if start_subprocess: # Start ClientApp subprocess command = [ "flwr-clientapp", "--supernode", supernode_address, "--token", str(token), ] command, stdout=None, stderr=None, check=True, ) else: # Wait for output to become available while not clientappio_servicer.has_outputs(): time.sleep(0.1) outputs = clientappio_servicer.get_outputs() reply_message, context = outputs.message, outputs.context else: # Load ClientApp instance client_app: ClientApp = load_client_app_fn( fab_id, fab_version, run.fab_hash ) # Execute ClientApp reply_message = client_app(message=message, context=context) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught # Legacy grpc-bidi if transport in ["grpc-bidi", None]: log(ERROR, "Client raised an exception.", exc_info=ex) # Raise exception, crash process raise ex # Don't update/change NodeState e_code = ErrorCode.CLIENT_APP_RAISED_EXCEPTION # Ex fmt: "<class 'ZeroDivisionError'>:<'division by zero'>" reason = str(type(ex)) + ":<'" + str(ex) + "'>" exc_entity = "ClientApp" if isinstance(ex, LoadClientAppError): reason = ( "An exception was raised when attempting to load " "`ClientApp`" ) e_code = ErrorCode.LOAD_CLIENT_APP_EXCEPTION exc_entity = "SuperNode" if not app_state_tracker.interrupt: log( ERROR, "%s raised an exception", exc_entity, exc_info=ex ) # Create error message reply_message = message.create_error_reply( error=Error(code=e_code, reason=reason) ) else: # No exception, update node state node_state.update_context( run_id=run_id, context=context, ) # Send send(reply_message) log(INFO, "Sent reply") except StopIteration: sleep_duration = 0 break # pylint: enable=too-many-nested-blocks # Unregister node if delete_node is not None and app_state_tracker.is_connected: delete_node() # pylint: disable=not-callable if sleep_duration == 0: log(INFO, "Disconnect and shut down") del app_state_tracker break # Sleep and reconnect afterwards log( INFO, "Disconnect, then re-establish connection after %s second(s)", sleep_duration, ) time.sleep(sleep_duration)
[docs] def start_numpy_client( *, server_address: str, client: NumPyClient, grpc_max_message_length: int = GRPC_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH, root_certificates: Optional[bytes] = None, insecure: Optional[bool] = None, transport: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Start a Flower NumPyClient which connects to a gRPC server. Warning ------- This function is deprecated since 1.7.0. Use :code:`flwr.client.start_client` instead and first convert your :code:`NumPyClient` to type :code:`flwr.client.Client` by executing its :code:`to_client()` method. Parameters ---------- server_address : str The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the server. If the Flower server runs on the same machine on port 8080, then `server_address` would be `"[::]:8080"`. client : flwr.client.NumPyClient An implementation of the abstract base class `flwr.client.NumPyClient`. grpc_max_message_length : int (default: 536_870_912, this equals 512MB) The maximum length of gRPC messages that can be exchanged with the Flower server. The default should be sufficient for most models. Users who train very large models might need to increase this value. Note that the Flower server needs to be started with the same value (see `flwr.server.start_server`), otherwise it will not know about the increased limit and block larger messages. root_certificates : bytes (default: None) The PEM-encoded root certificates as a byte string or a path string. If provided, a secure connection using the certificates will be established to an SSL-enabled Flower server. insecure : Optional[bool] (default: None) Starts an insecure gRPC connection when True. Enables HTTPS connection when False, using system certificates if `root_certificates` is None. transport : Optional[str] (default: None) Configure the transport layer. Allowed values: - 'grpc-bidi': gRPC, bidirectional streaming - 'grpc-rere': gRPC, request-response (experimental) - 'rest': HTTP (experimental) Examples -------- Starting a gRPC client with an insecure server connection: >>> start_numpy_client( >>> server_address=localhost:8080, >>> client=FlowerClient(), >>> ) Starting an SSL-enabled gRPC client using system certificates: >>> start_numpy_client( >>> server_address=localhost:8080, >>> client=FlowerClient(), >>> insecure=False, >>> ) Starting an SSL-enabled gRPC client using provided certificates: >>> from pathlib import Path >>> >>> start_numpy_client( >>> server_address=localhost:8080, >>> client=FlowerClient(), >>> root_certificates=Path("/crts/root.pem").read_bytes(), >>> ) """ mssg = ( "flwr.client.start_numpy_client() is deprecated. \n\tInstead, use " "`flwr.client.start_client()` by ensuring you first call " "the `.to_client()` method as shown below: \n" "\tflwr.client.start_client(\n" "\t\tserver_address='<IP>:<PORT>',\n" "\t\tclient=FlowerClient().to_client()," " # <-- where FlowerClient is of type flwr.client.NumPyClient object\n" "\t)\n" "\tUsing `start_numpy_client()` is deprecated." ) warn_deprecated_feature(name=mssg) # Calling this function is deprecated. A warning is thrown. # We first need to convert the supplied client to `Client.` wrp_client = client.to_client() start_client( server_address=server_address, client=wrp_client, grpc_max_message_length=grpc_max_message_length, root_certificates=root_certificates, insecure=insecure, transport=transport, )
def _init_connection(transport: Optional[str], server_address: str) -> tuple[ Callable[ [ str, bool, RetryInvoker, int, Union[bytes, str, None], Optional[tuple[ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey]], ], AbstractContextManager[ tuple[ Callable[[], Optional[Message]], Callable[[Message], None], Optional[Callable[[], Optional[int]]], Optional[Callable[[], None]], Optional[Callable[[int], Run]], Optional[Callable[[str], Fab]], ] ], ], str, type[Exception], ]: # Parse IP address parsed_address = parse_address(server_address) if not parsed_address: sys.exit(f"Server address ({server_address}) cannot be parsed.") host, port, is_v6 = parsed_address address = f"[{host}]:{port}" if is_v6 else f"{host}:{port}" # Set the default transport layer if transport is None: transport = TRANSPORT_TYPE_GRPC_BIDI # Use either gRPC bidirectional streaming or REST request/response if transport == TRANSPORT_TYPE_REST: try: from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError as RequestsConnectionError from .rest_client.connection import http_request_response except ModuleNotFoundError: sys.exit(MISSING_EXTRA_REST) if server_address[:4] != "http": sys.exit( "When using the REST API, please provide `https://` or " "`http://` before the server address (e.g. ``)" ) connection, error_type = http_request_response, RequestsConnectionError elif transport == TRANSPORT_TYPE_GRPC_RERE: connection, error_type = grpc_request_response, RpcError elif transport == TRANSPORT_TYPE_GRPC_ADAPTER: connection, error_type = grpc_adapter, RpcError elif transport == TRANSPORT_TYPE_GRPC_BIDI: connection, error_type = grpc_connection, RpcError else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown transport type: {transport} (possible: {TRANSPORT_TYPES})" ) return connection, address, error_type @dataclass class _AppStateTracker: interrupt: bool = False is_connected: bool = False def register_signal_handler(self) -> None: """Register handlers for exit signals.""" def signal_handler(sig, frame): # type: ignore # pylint: disable=unused-argument self.interrupt = True raise StopIteration from None signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) def run_clientappio_api_grpc(address: str) -> tuple[grpc.Server, ClientAppIoServicer]: """Run ClientAppIo API gRPC server.""" clientappio_servicer: grpc.Server = ClientAppIoServicer() clientappio_add_servicer_to_server_fn = add_ClientAppIoServicer_to_server clientappio_grpc_server = generic_create_grpc_server( servicer_and_add_fn=( clientappio_servicer, clientappio_add_servicer_to_server_fn, ), server_address=address, max_message_length=GRPC_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH, ) log(INFO, "Starting Flower ClientAppIo gRPC server on %s", address) clientappio_grpc_server.start() return clientappio_grpc_server, clientappio_servicer