Customize the client¶
Welcome to the fourth part of the Flower federated learning tutorial. In the previous parts of this tutorial, we introduced federated learning with PyTorch and Flower (part 1), we learned how strategies can be used to customize the execution on both the server and the clients (part 2), and we built our own custom strategy from scratch (part 3).
Dans ce carnet, nous revisitons NumPyClient` et introduisons une nouvelle classe de base pour construire des clients, simplement appelée Client`. Dans les parties précédentes de ce tutoriel, nous avons basé notre client sur NumPyClient
, une classe de commoditĂ© qui facilite le travail avec les bibliothĂšques dâapprentissage automatique qui ont une bonne interopĂ©rabilitĂ© NumPy. Avec Client
, nous gagnons beaucoup de flexibilitĂ© que nous nâavions pas auparavant, mais nous devrons Ă©galement faire quelques choses que nous nâavions pas Ă faire auparavant.
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Letâs go deeper and see what it takes to move from NumPyClient
to Client
! đŒ
Ătape 0 : PrĂ©paration¶
Avant de commencer le code proprement dit, assurons-nous que nous disposons de tout ce dont nous avons besoin.
Installation des dépendances¶
Tout dâabord, nous installons les paquets nĂ©cessaires :
[ ]:
!pip install -q flwr[simulation] flwr-datasets[vision] torch torchvision scipy
Maintenant que toutes les dépendances sont installées, nous pouvons importer tout ce dont nous avons besoin pour ce tutoriel :
[ ]:
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import List
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from import DataLoader
import flwr
from flwr.client import Client, ClientApp, NumPyClient
from flwr.common import Context
from flwr.server import ServerApp, ServerConfig, ServerAppComponents
from flwr.simulation import run_simulation
from flwr_datasets import FederatedDataset
DEVICE = torch.device("cpu") # Try "cuda" to train on GPU
print(f"Training on {DEVICE}")
print(f"Flower {flwr.__version__} / PyTorch {torch.__version__}")
Il est possible de passer Ă un runtime dont lâaccĂ©lĂ©ration GPU est activĂ©e (sur Google Colab : Runtime > Change runtime type > Hardware acclerator : GPU > Save
). Note cependant que Google Colab nâest pas toujours en mesure de proposer lâaccĂ©lĂ©ration GPU. Si tu vois une erreur liĂ©e Ă la disponibilitĂ© du GPU dans lâune des sections suivantes, envisage de repasser Ă une exĂ©cution basĂ©e sur le CPU en dĂ©finissant DEVICE = torch.device("cpu")
. Si le runtime a activĂ© lâaccĂ©lĂ©ration GPU, tu devrais voir apparaĂźtre le rĂ©sultat Training on cuda
, sinon il dira Training on cpu
Chargement des données¶
Letâs now define a loading function for the CIFAR-10 training and test set, partition them into num_partitions
smaller datasets (each split into training and validation set), and wrap everything in their own DataLoader
[ ]:
def load_datasets(partition_id: int, num_partitions: int):
fds = FederatedDataset(dataset="cifar10", partitioners={"train": num_partitions})
partition = fds.load_partition(partition_id)
# Divide data on each node: 80% train, 20% test
partition_train_test = partition.train_test_split(test_size=0.2, seed=42)
pytorch_transforms = transforms.Compose(
[transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))]
def apply_transforms(batch):
# Instead of passing transforms to CIFAR10(..., transform=transform)
# we will use this function to dataset.with_transform(apply_transforms)
# The transforms object is exactly the same
batch["img"] = [pytorch_transforms(img) for img in batch["img"]]
return batch
partition_train_test = partition_train_test.with_transform(apply_transforms)
trainloader = DataLoader(partition_train_test["train"], batch_size=32, shuffle=True)
valloader = DataLoader(partition_train_test["test"], batch_size=32)
testset = fds.load_split("test").with_transform(apply_transforms)
testloader = DataLoader(testset, batch_size=32)
return trainloader, valloader, testloader
Formation/évaluation du modÚle¶
Continuons avec la définition habituelle du modÚle (y compris set_parameters
et get_parameters
), les fonctions dâentraĂźnement et de test :
[ ]:
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self) -> None:
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 6, 5)
self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(6, 16, 5)
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(16 * 5 * 5, 120)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(120, 84)
self.fc3 = nn.Linear(84, 10)
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv1(x)))
x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv2(x)))
x = x.view(-1, 16 * 5 * 5)
x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
x = self.fc3(x)
return x
def get_parameters(net) -> List[np.ndarray]:
return [val.cpu().numpy() for _, val in net.state_dict().items()]
def set_parameters(net, parameters: List[np.ndarray]):
params_dict = zip(net.state_dict().keys(), parameters)
state_dict = OrderedDict({k: torch.Tensor(v) for k, v in params_dict})
net.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=True)
def train(net, trainloader, epochs: int):
"""Train the network on the training set."""
criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters())
for epoch in range(epochs):
correct, total, epoch_loss = 0, 0, 0.0
for batch in trainloader:
images, labels = batch["img"], batch["label"]
images, labels =,
outputs = net(images)
loss = criterion(net(images), labels)
# Metrics
epoch_loss += loss
total += labels.size(0)
correct += (torch.max(, 1)[1] == labels).sum().item()
epoch_loss /= len(trainloader.dataset)
epoch_acc = correct / total
print(f"Epoch {epoch+1}: train loss {epoch_loss}, accuracy {epoch_acc}")
def test(net, testloader):
"""Evaluate the network on the entire test set."""
criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
correct, total, loss = 0, 0, 0.0
with torch.no_grad():
for batch in testloader:
images, labels = batch["img"], batch["label"]
images, labels =,
outputs = net(images)
loss += criterion(outputs, labels).item()
_, predicted = torch.max(, 1)
total += labels.size(0)
correct += (predicted == labels).sum().item()
loss /= len(testloader.dataset)
accuracy = correct / total
return loss, accuracy
Ătape 1 : Revoir NumPyClient¶
So far, weâve implemented our client by subclassing flwr.client.NumPyClient
. The three methods we implemented are get_parameters
, fit
, and evaluate
[ ]:
class FlowerNumPyClient(NumPyClient):
def __init__(self, partition_id, net, trainloader, valloader):
self.partition_id = partition_id = net
self.trainloader = trainloader
self.valloader = valloader
def get_parameters(self, config):
print(f"[Client {self.partition_id}] get_parameters")
return get_parameters(
def fit(self, parameters, config):
print(f"[Client {self.partition_id}] fit, config: {config}")
set_parameters(, parameters)
train(, self.trainloader, epochs=1)
return get_parameters(, len(self.trainloader), {}
def evaluate(self, parameters, config):
print(f"[Client {self.partition_id}] evaluate, config: {config}")
set_parameters(, parameters)
loss, accuracy = test(, self.valloader)
return float(loss), len(self.valloader), {"accuracy": float(accuracy)}
Then, we define the function numpyclient_fn
that is used by Flower to create the FlowerNumpyClient
instances on demand. Finally, we create the ClientApp
and pass the numpyclient_fn
to it.
[ ]:
def numpyclient_fn(context: Context) -> Client:
net = Net().to(DEVICE)
partition_id = context.node_config["partition-id"]
num_partitions = context.node_config["num-partitions"]
trainloader, valloader, _ = load_datasets(partition_id, num_partitions)
return FlowerNumPyClient(partition_id, net, trainloader, valloader).to_client()
# Create the ClientApp
numpyclient = ClientApp(client_fn=numpyclient_fn)
Weâve seen this before, thereâs nothing new so far. The only tiny difference compared to the previous notebook is naming, weâve changed FlowerClient
to FlowerNumPyClient
and client_fn
to numpyclient_fn
. Next, we configure the number of federated learning rounds using ServerConfig
and create the ServerApp
with this config:
[ ]:
def server_fn(context: Context) -> ServerAppComponents:
# Configure the server for 3 rounds of training
config = ServerConfig(num_rounds=3)
return ServerAppComponents(config=config)
# Create ServerApp
server = ServerApp(server_fn=server_fn)
Finally, we specify the resources for each client and run the simulation to see the output we get:
[ ]:
# Specify the resources each of your clients need
# If set to none, by default, each client will be allocated 2x CPU and 0x GPUs
backend_config = {"client_resources": None}
if DEVICE.type == "cuda":
backend_config = {"client_resources": {"num_gpus": 1}}
# Run simulation
This works as expected, ten clients are training for three rounds of federated learning.
Letâs dive a little bit deeper and discuss how Flower executes this simulation. Whenever a client is selected to do some work, run_simulation
launches the ClientApp
object which in turn calls the function numpyclient_fn
to create an instance of our FlowerNumPyClient
(along with loading the model and the data).
Mais voici la partie la plus surprenante : Flower nâutilise pas directement lâobjet FlowerNumPyClient. Au lieu de cela, il enveloppe lâobjet pour le faire ressembler Ă une sous-classe de flwr.client.Client, et non de flwr.client.NumPyClient. En fait, le noyau de Flower ne sait pas comment gĂ©rer les NumPyClient, il sait seulement comment gĂ©rer les Client. NumPyClient est juste une abstraction de commoditĂ© construite au dessus de Client.
Au lieu de construire par-dessus NumPyClient`, nous pouvons construire directement par-dessus Client`.
Ătape 2 : Passer de NumPyClient
Ă Client
Essayons de faire la mĂȘme chose en utilisant Client
au lieu de NumPyClient
[ ]:
from flwr.common import (
class FlowerClient(Client):
def __init__(self, partition_id, net, trainloader, valloader):
self.partition_id = partition_id = net
self.trainloader = trainloader
self.valloader = valloader
def get_parameters(self, ins: GetParametersIns) -> GetParametersRes:
print(f"[Client {self.partition_id}] get_parameters")
# Get parameters as a list of NumPy ndarray's
ndarrays: List[np.ndarray] = get_parameters(
# Serialize ndarray's into a Parameters object
parameters = ndarrays_to_parameters(ndarrays)
# Build and return response
status = Status(code=Code.OK, message="Success")
return GetParametersRes(
def fit(self, ins: FitIns) -> FitRes:
print(f"[Client {self.partition_id}] fit, config: {ins.config}")
# Deserialize parameters to NumPy ndarray's
parameters_original = ins.parameters
ndarrays_original = parameters_to_ndarrays(parameters_original)
# Update local model, train, get updated parameters
set_parameters(, ndarrays_original)
train(, self.trainloader, epochs=1)
ndarrays_updated = get_parameters(
# Serialize ndarray's into a Parameters object
parameters_updated = ndarrays_to_parameters(ndarrays_updated)
# Build and return response
status = Status(code=Code.OK, message="Success")
return FitRes(
def evaluate(self, ins: EvaluateIns) -> EvaluateRes:
print(f"[Client {self.partition_id}] evaluate, config: {ins.config}")
# Deserialize parameters to NumPy ndarray's
parameters_original = ins.parameters
ndarrays_original = parameters_to_ndarrays(parameters_original)
set_parameters(, ndarrays_original)
loss, accuracy = test(, self.valloader)
# Build and return response
status = Status(code=Code.OK, message="Success")
return EvaluateRes(
metrics={"accuracy": float(accuracy)},
def client_fn(context: Context) -> Client:
net = Net().to(DEVICE)
partition_id = context.node_config["partition-id"]
num_partitions = context.node_config["num-partitions"]
trainloader, valloader, _ = load_datasets(partition_id, num_partitions)
return FlowerClient(partition_id, net, trainloader, valloader).to_client()
# Create the ClientApp
client = ClientApp(client_fn=client_fn)
Avant de discuter du code plus en dĂ©tail, essayons de lâexĂ©cuter ! Nous devons nous assurer que notre nouveau client basĂ© sur le Client
fonctionne, nâest-ce pas ?
[ ]:
# Run simulation
VoilĂ , nous utilisons maintenant Client
. Cela ressemble probablement Ă ce que nous avons fait avec NumPyClient
. Alors quelle est la différence ?
First of all, itâs more code. But why? The difference comes from the fact that Client
expects us to take care of parameter serialization and deserialization. For Flower to be able to send parameters over the network, it eventually needs to turn these parameters into bytes
. Turning parameters (e.g., NumPy ndarray
âs) into raw bytes is called serialization. Turning raw bytes into something more useful (like NumPy ndarray
âs) is called deserialization. Flower needs to do both: it
needs to serialize parameters on the server-side and send them to the client, the client needs to deserialize them to use them for local training, and then serialize the updated parameters again to send them back to the server, which (finally!) deserializes them again in order to aggregate them with the updates received from other clients.
La seule vraie diffĂ©rence entre Client et NumPyClient est que NumPyClient sâoccupe de la sĂ©rialisation et de la dĂ©sĂ©rialisation pour toi. Il peut le faire parce quâil sâattend Ă ce que tu renvoies des paramĂštres sous forme de NumPy ndarray, et il sait comment les gĂ©rer. Cela permet de travailler avec des bibliothĂšques dâapprentissage automatique qui ont une bonne prise en charge de NumPy (la plupart dâentre elles) en un clin dâĆil.
In terms of API, thereâs one major difference: all methods in Client take exactly one argument (e.g., FitIns
) and return exactly one value (e.g., FitRes
). The methods in NumPyClient
on the other hand have multiple arguments (e.g., parameters
and config
) and multiple return values (e.g., parameters
, num_example
, and metrics
) if there are multiple things to handle. These *Ins
objects in Client
wrap all the individual values youâre used to from NumPyClient
Ătape 3 : SĂ©rialisation personnalisĂ©e¶
Nous allons ici explorer comment mettre en Ćuvre une sĂ©rialisation personnalisĂ©e Ă lâaide dâun exemple simple.
Mais dâabord, quâest-ce que la sĂ©rialisation ? La sĂ©rialisation est simplement le processus de conversion dâun objet en octets bruts, et tout aussi important, la dĂ©sĂ©rialisation est le processus de reconversion des octets bruts en objet. Ceci est trĂšs utile pour la communication rĂ©seau. En effet, sans la sĂ©rialisation, tu ne pourrais pas faire passer un objet Python par Internet.
Lâapprentissage fĂ©dĂ©rĂ© sâappuie fortement sur la communication Internet pour la formation en envoyant des objets Python dans les deux sens entre les clients et le serveur, ce qui signifie que la sĂ©rialisation est un Ă©lĂ©ment essentiel de lâapprentissage fĂ©dĂ©rĂ©.
Dans la section suivante, nous allons Ă©crire un exemple de base oĂč, au lieu dâenvoyer une version sĂ©rialisĂ©e de nos ndarray
contenant nos paramĂštres, nous allons dâabord convertir les ndarray
en matrices Ă©parses, avant de les envoyer. Cette technique peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e pour Ă©conomiser de la bande passante, car dans certains cas oĂč les poids dâun modĂšle sont Ă©pars (contenant de nombreuses entrĂ©es 0), les convertir en une matrice Ă©parse peut grandement amĂ©liorer leur taille en octets.
Nos fonctions de sérialisation/désérialisation personnalisées¶
Câest lĂ que la vĂ©ritable sĂ©rialisation/dĂ©sĂ©rialisation se produira, en particulier dans ndarray_to_sparse_bytes
pour la sérialisation et sparse_bytes_to_ndarray
pour la désérialisation.
Notez que nous avons importé la bibliothÚque scipy.sparse
afin de convertir nos tableaux.
[ ]:
from io import BytesIO
from typing import cast
import numpy as np
from flwr.common.typing import NDArray, NDArrays, Parameters
def ndarrays_to_sparse_parameters(ndarrays: NDArrays) -> Parameters:
"""Convert NumPy ndarrays to parameters object."""
tensors = [ndarray_to_sparse_bytes(ndarray) for ndarray in ndarrays]
return Parameters(tensors=tensors, tensor_type="numpy.ndarray")
def sparse_parameters_to_ndarrays(parameters: Parameters) -> NDArrays:
"""Convert parameters object to NumPy ndarrays."""
return [sparse_bytes_to_ndarray(tensor) for tensor in parameters.tensors]
def ndarray_to_sparse_bytes(ndarray: NDArray) -> bytes:
"""Serialize NumPy ndarray to bytes."""
bytes_io = BytesIO()
if len(ndarray.shape) > 1:
# We convert our ndarray into a sparse matrix
ndarray = torch.tensor(ndarray).to_sparse_csr()
# And send it byutilizing the sparse matrix attributes
# WARNING: NEVER set allow_pickle to true.
# Reason: loading pickled data can execute arbitrary code
# Source:
bytes_io, # type: ignore
# WARNING: NEVER set allow_pickle to true.
# Reason: loading pickled data can execute arbitrary code
# Source:, ndarray, allow_pickle=False)
return bytes_io.getvalue()
def sparse_bytes_to_ndarray(tensor: bytes) -> NDArray:
"""Deserialize NumPy ndarray from bytes."""
bytes_io = BytesIO(tensor)
# WARNING: NEVER set allow_pickle to true.
# Reason: loading pickled data can execute arbitrary code
# Source:
loader = np.load(bytes_io, allow_pickle=False) # type: ignore
if "crow_indices" in loader:
# We convert our sparse matrix back to a ndarray, using the attributes we sent
ndarray_deserialized = (
ndarray_deserialized = loader
return cast(NDArray, ndarray_deserialized)
CÎté client¶
Pour pouvoir sérialiser nos ndarray
en paramĂštres sparse, il nous suffira dâappeler nos fonctions personnalisĂ©es dans notre flwr.client.Client
En effet, dans get_parameters
nous devons sérialiser les paramÚtres que nous avons obtenus de notre réseau en utilisant nos ndarrays_to_sparse_parameters
personnalisés définis ci-dessus.
Dans fit
, nous devons dâabord dĂ©sĂ©rialiser les paramĂštres provenant du serveur en utilisant notre sparse_parameters_to_ndarrays
personnalisé, puis nous devons sérialiser nos résultats locaux avec ndarrays_to_sparse_parameters
Dans evaluate
, nous nâaurons besoin que de dĂ©sĂ©rialiser les paramĂštres globaux avec notre fonction personnalisĂ©e.
[ ]:
from flwr.common import (
class FlowerClient(Client):
def __init__(self, partition_id, net, trainloader, valloader):
self.partition_id = partition_id = net
self.trainloader = trainloader
self.valloader = valloader
def get_parameters(self, ins: GetParametersIns) -> GetParametersRes:
print(f"[Client {self.partition_id}] get_parameters")
# Get parameters as a list of NumPy ndarray's
ndarrays: List[np.ndarray] = get_parameters(
# Serialize ndarray's into a Parameters object using our custom function
parameters = ndarrays_to_sparse_parameters(ndarrays)
# Build and return response
status = Status(code=Code.OK, message="Success")
return GetParametersRes(
def fit(self, ins: FitIns) -> FitRes:
print(f"[Client {self.partition_id}] fit, config: {ins.config}")
# Deserialize parameters to NumPy ndarray's using our custom function
parameters_original = ins.parameters
ndarrays_original = sparse_parameters_to_ndarrays(parameters_original)
# Update local model, train, get updated parameters
set_parameters(, ndarrays_original)
train(, self.trainloader, epochs=1)
ndarrays_updated = get_parameters(
# Serialize ndarray's into a Parameters object using our custom function
parameters_updated = ndarrays_to_sparse_parameters(ndarrays_updated)
# Build and return response
status = Status(code=Code.OK, message="Success")
return FitRes(
def evaluate(self, ins: EvaluateIns) -> EvaluateRes:
print(f"[Client {self.partition_id}] evaluate, config: {ins.config}")
# Deserialize parameters to NumPy ndarray's using our custom function
parameters_original = ins.parameters
ndarrays_original = sparse_parameters_to_ndarrays(parameters_original)
set_parameters(, ndarrays_original)
loss, accuracy = test(, self.valloader)
# Build and return response
status = Status(code=Code.OK, message="Success")
return EvaluateRes(
metrics={"accuracy": float(accuracy)},
def client_fn(context: Context) -> Client:
net = Net().to(DEVICE)
partition_id = context.node_config["partition-id"]
num_partitions = context.node_config["num-partitions"]
trainloader, valloader, _ = load_datasets(partition_id, num_partitions)
return FlowerClient(partition_id, net, trainloader, valloader).to_client()
CÎté serveur¶
Pour cet exemple, nous utiliserons simplement FedAvg
comme stratégie. Pour modifier la sérialisation et la désérialisation ici, il suffit de réimplémenter les fonctions evaluate
et aggregate_fit
de FedAvg
. Les autres fonctions de la stratégie seront héritées de la super-classe FedAvg
Comme tu peux le voir, seule une ligne a été modifiée dans evaluate
parameters_ndarrays = sparse_parameters_to_ndarrays(parameters)
Et pour aggregate_fit
, nous allons dâabord dĂ©sĂ©rialiser chaque rĂ©sultat que nous avons reçu :
weights_results = [
(sparse_parameters_to_ndarrays(fit_res.parameters), fit_res.num_examples)
for _, fit_res in results
Puis sérialise le résultat agrégé :
parameters_aggregated = ndarrays_to_sparse_parameters(aggregate(weights_results))
[ ]:
from logging import WARNING
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from flwr.common import FitRes, MetricsAggregationFn, NDArrays, Parameters, Scalar
from flwr.common.logger import log
from flwr.server.client_proxy import ClientProxy
from flwr.server.strategy import FedAvg
from flwr.server.strategy.aggregate import aggregate
Setting `min_available_clients` lower than `min_fit_clients` or
`min_evaluate_clients` can cause the server to fail when there are too few clients
connected to the server. `min_available_clients` must be set to a value larger
than or equal to the values of `min_fit_clients` and `min_evaluate_clients`.
class FedSparse(FedAvg):
def __init__(
fraction_fit: float = 1.0,
fraction_evaluate: float = 1.0,
min_fit_clients: int = 2,
min_evaluate_clients: int = 2,
min_available_clients: int = 2,
evaluate_fn: Optional[
[int, NDArrays, Dict[str, Scalar]],
Optional[Tuple[float, Dict[str, Scalar]]],
] = None,
on_fit_config_fn: Optional[Callable[[int], Dict[str, Scalar]]] = None,
on_evaluate_config_fn: Optional[Callable[[int], Dict[str, Scalar]]] = None,
accept_failures: bool = True,
initial_parameters: Optional[Parameters] = None,
fit_metrics_aggregation_fn: Optional[MetricsAggregationFn] = None,
evaluate_metrics_aggregation_fn: Optional[MetricsAggregationFn] = None,
) -> None:
"""Custom FedAvg strategy with sparse matrices.
fraction_fit : float, optional
Fraction of clients used during training. Defaults to 0.1.
fraction_evaluate : float, optional
Fraction of clients used during validation. Defaults to 0.1.
min_fit_clients : int, optional
Minimum number of clients used during training. Defaults to 2.
min_evaluate_clients : int, optional
Minimum number of clients used during validation. Defaults to 2.
min_available_clients : int, optional
Minimum number of total clients in the system. Defaults to 2.
evaluate_fn : Optional[Callable[[int, NDArrays, Dict[str, Scalar]], Optional[Tuple[float, Dict[str, Scalar]]]]]
Optional function used for validation. Defaults to None.
on_fit_config_fn : Callable[[int], Dict[str, Scalar]], optional
Function used to configure training. Defaults to None.
on_evaluate_config_fn : Callable[[int], Dict[str, Scalar]], optional
Function used to configure validation. Defaults to None.
accept_failures : bool, optional
Whether or not accept rounds containing failures. Defaults to True.
initial_parameters : Parameters, optional
Initial global model parameters.
if (
min_fit_clients > min_available_clients
or min_evaluate_clients > min_available_clients
def evaluate(
self, server_round: int, parameters: Parameters
) -> Optional[Tuple[float, Dict[str, Scalar]]]:
"""Evaluate model parameters using an evaluation function."""
if self.evaluate_fn is None:
# No evaluation function provided
return None
# We deserialize using our custom method
parameters_ndarrays = sparse_parameters_to_ndarrays(parameters)
eval_res = self.evaluate_fn(server_round, parameters_ndarrays, {})
if eval_res is None:
return None
loss, metrics = eval_res
return loss, metrics
def aggregate_fit(
server_round: int,
results: List[Tuple[ClientProxy, FitRes]],
failures: List[Union[Tuple[ClientProxy, FitRes], BaseException]],
) -> Tuple[Optional[Parameters], Dict[str, Scalar]]:
"""Aggregate fit results using weighted average."""
if not results:
return None, {}
# Do not aggregate if there are failures and failures are not accepted
if not self.accept_failures and failures:
return None, {}
# We deserialize each of the results with our custom method
weights_results = [
(sparse_parameters_to_ndarrays(fit_res.parameters), fit_res.num_examples)
for _, fit_res in results
# We serialize the aggregated result using our custom method
parameters_aggregated = ndarrays_to_sparse_parameters(
# Aggregate custom metrics if aggregation fn was provided
metrics_aggregated = {}
if self.fit_metrics_aggregation_fn:
fit_metrics = [(res.num_examples, res.metrics) for _, res in results]
metrics_aggregated = self.fit_metrics_aggregation_fn(fit_metrics)
elif server_round == 1: # Only log this warning once
log(WARNING, "No fit_metrics_aggregation_fn provided")
return parameters_aggregated, metrics_aggregated
Nous pouvons maintenant exécuter notre exemple de sérialisation personnalisée !
[ ]:
def server_fn(context: Context) -> ServerAppComponents:
# Configure the server for just 3 rounds of training
config = ServerConfig(num_rounds=3)
return ServerAppComponents(
strategy=FedSparse(), # <-- pass the new strategy here
# Create the ServerApp
server = ServerApp(server_fn=server_fn)
# Run simulation
Dans cette partie du tutoriel, nous avons vu comment construire des clients en sous-classant soit NumPyClient
, soit Client
. NumPyClient
est une abstraction de commoditĂ© qui facilite le travail avec les bibliothĂšques dâapprentissage automatique qui ont une bonne interopĂ©rabilitĂ© NumPy. Client
est une abstraction plus flexible qui nous permet de faire des choses qui ne sont pas possibles dans NumPyClient
. Pour ce faire, elle nous oblige Ă gĂ©rer nous-mĂȘmes la sĂ©rialisation et la dĂ©sĂ©rialisation des paramĂštres.
Prochaines étapes¶
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Câest la derniĂšre partie du tutoriel Flower (pour lâinstant !), fĂ©licitations ! Tu es maintenant bien Ă©quipĂ© pour comprendre le reste de la documentation. Il y a de nombreux sujets que nous nâavons pas abordĂ©s dans le tutoriel, nous te recommandons les ressources suivantes :