Save and Load Model Checkpoints

Flower does not automatically save model updates on the server-side. This how-to guide describes the steps to save (and load) model checkpoints in Flower.

Model Checkpointing

Model updates can be persisted on the server-side by customizing Strategy methods. Implementing custom strategies is always an option, but for many cases it may be more convenient to simply customize an existing strategy. The following code example defines a new SaveModelStrategy which customized the existing built-in FedAvg strategy. In particular, it customizes aggregate_fit by calling aggregate_fit in the base class (FedAvg). It then continues to save returned (aggregated) weights before it returns those aggregated weights to the caller (i.e., the server):

class SaveModelStrategy(fl.server.strategy.FedAvg):
    def aggregate_fit(
        server_round: int,
        results: list[tuple[fl.server.client_proxy.ClientProxy, fl.common.FitRes]],
        failures: list[Union[tuple[ClientProxy, FitRes], BaseException]],
    ) -> tuple[Optional[Parameters], dict[str, Scalar]]:

        # Call aggregate_fit from base class (FedAvg) to aggregate parameters and metrics
        aggregated_parameters, aggregated_metrics = super().aggregate_fit(
            server_round, results, failures

        if aggregated_parameters is not None:
            # Convert `Parameters` to `list[np.ndarray]`
            aggregated_ndarrays: list[np.ndarray] = fl.common.parameters_to_ndarrays(

            # Save aggregated_ndarrays to disk
            print(f"Saving round {server_round} aggregated_ndarrays...")
            np.savez(f"round-{server_round}-weights.npz", *aggregated_ndarrays)

        return aggregated_parameters, aggregated_metrics

# Create strategy and pass into ServerApp
def server_fn(context):
    strategy = SaveModelStrategy(
        # (same arguments as FedAvg here)
    config = ServerConfig(num_rounds=3)
    return ServerAppComponents(strategy=strategy, config=config)

app = ServerApp(server_fn=server_fn)

Save and Load PyTorch Checkpoints

Similar to the previous example but with a few extra steps, we’ll show how to store a PyTorch checkpoint we’ll use the function. Firstly, aggregate_fit returns a Parameters object that has to be transformed into a list of NumPy ndarray’s, then those are transformed into the PyTorch state_dict following the OrderedDict class structure.

net = cifar.Net().to(DEVICE)

class SaveModelStrategy(fl.server.strategy.FedAvg):
    def aggregate_fit(
        server_round: int,
        results: list[tuple[fl.server.client_proxy.ClientProxy, fl.common.FitRes]],
        failures: list[Union[tuple[ClientProxy, FitRes], BaseException]],
    ) -> tuple[Optional[Parameters], dict[str, Scalar]]:
        """Aggregate model weights using weighted average and store checkpoint"""

        # Call aggregate_fit from base class (FedAvg) to aggregate parameters and metrics
        aggregated_parameters, aggregated_metrics = super().aggregate_fit(
            server_round, results, failures

        if aggregated_parameters is not None:
            print(f"Saving round {server_round} aggregated_parameters...")

            # Convert `Parameters` to `list[np.ndarray]`
            aggregated_ndarrays: list[np.ndarray] = fl.common.parameters_to_ndarrays(

            # Convert `list[np.ndarray]` to PyTorch `state_dict`
            params_dict = zip(net.state_dict().keys(), aggregated_ndarrays)
            state_dict = OrderedDict({k: torch.tensor(v) for k, v in params_dict})
            net.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=True)

            # Save the model to disk
  , f"model_round_{server_round}.pth")

        return aggregated_parameters, aggregated_metrics

Pour charger ta progression, il te suffit d’ajouter les lignes suivantes à ton code. Note que cela va itérer sur tous les points de contrôle sauvegardés et charger le plus récent :

list_of_files = [fname for fname in glob.glob("./model_round_*")]
latest_round_file = max(list_of_files, key=os.path.getctime)
print("Loading pre-trained model from: ", latest_round_file)
state_dict = torch.load(latest_round_file)
state_dict_ndarrays = [v.cpu().numpy() for v in net.state_dict().values()]
parameters = fl.common.ndarrays_to_parameters(state_dict_ndarrays)

Return/use this object of type Parameters wherever necessary, such as in the initial_parameters when defining a Strategy.

Alternatively, we can save and load the model updates during evaluation phase by overriding evaluate() or aggregate_evaluate() method of the strategy (FedAvg). Checkout the details in Advanced PyTorch Example and Advanced TensorFlow Example.